Journal Entry # 2 Omkar Singh

This is also the second week of the job hunt and I have gotten some not so good news. My dad tells me that the intern list as he calls it is so long that I wouldn’t even get considered anytime soon. With this class needing 120 hours work time, I need to find something now and soon.

God I hate the snow. The snow has come and doesn’t look like it’s going to go away anytime soon. Because of the snow my daytime job has become more time consuming. I work for ASIG, aircraft service international group. What they do is service airplanes at JFK with their ramp services and deicing planes. This has become a priority and because of the position that I am in I cannot leave or I lose my job. I am a safety manager and must be onsite when deicing of an aircraft is being done. Since ASIG is short staffed and the snow is upon us I had to show up to work on Wednesday instead of attending class. This sucks because we are only allowed one absence and I already had to use it. I have made arrangements with my other managers and my duty manager and it wont happen again. Hopefully the weather clears up and I don’t have to spend all my time there. Now that I am working 7 days a week I cant really continue my search for an internship which is hurting my chances of finding one before the mid semester grades are due.

One thought on “Journal Entry # 2 Omkar Singh

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Omar,

    It’s interesting to learn of your job as a safety manager at JFK. However, I think your readers would really like to learn more about you as a design student. For example, which concentration are you in and what are your career goals? In general, your writing is clear and direct with only a few minor errors of punctuation (remember to use the apostrophe in words like won’t and can’t.)


    Professor Mason


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