journal #5 Josephine Woods

The week of February 23-27 I went to my internship monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  I also went to my internship class on Wednesday February 25 because it is a requirement in order to get credit.

Monday February 23 I went to my internship New York App Designers on Nostrand Ave in Brooklyn NY in the College of New Rochelle.  I continued to work on my mobile app for, I was still working on the placement of the tabs (or pages ) and adding and subtracting content from the app. I also created a new “share your story” page and a donation page so it can be more mobile friendly. On the actual page there is a section on their about page called “Share your story”, about being bullied,  or saw someone being bullied, or if you are a bully and how you over came being bullied or if you stopped someone from a bully. This section is one of the reasons I choose to create a mobile app for this organization because of the “Share your story”.  Their link to “Share your store” takes you to more of a sign up window than and actually place to upload your story,  so I started creating the layout of this section on the mobile app.

Tuesday February 24th I was still working on the “Share your story” section, this time I worked on the design and functionality of the page. I made it interactive so a person can actually fill out the form (name, location,  title,) and  upload a file and have it go straight to the server on the actual website. ..well I hope it will do all that by the time I finish the whole app.

Wednesday February 25 I had to go to my internship class instead of my internship it’s self.  I asked professor Mason “why do we have to come to class instead of actually going to our internship? ” . To me it’s a waste of hours sitting in a class room and actually doing anything in my field of study. No hands on project, not experiencing real work. Maybe it is like having to go to meetings that’s sometimes you don’t want to go but have. Professor Mason told us it’s part of the curriculum.

Thursday February 26 I still continued to work on my mobile app.

And on Friday February 27 I still continued to work on my app still tweaking tabs and content.

One thought on “journal #5 Josephine Woods

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Josephine,

    In general, your writing is quite informative and gives the reader a good sense of what you do at your internship. The app you’re helping develop sounds like it could help reduce bullying. I’d also recommend you proofread to catch minor errors of punctuation, capitalization and spelling. (This is where our textbook, Rules of Thumb, can be very helpful.) The sentence “Monday February 23 I went to my internship New York App Designers on Nostrand Ave in Brooklyn NY in the College of New Rochelle.” would be better as follows: “Monday, February 23, I went to my internship at New York App Designers on Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn, NY at the College of New Rochelle.” Regarding the value of face-to-face interaction in the classroom (and elsewhere) I’d recommend checking out YouTube for interviews with psychologist Susan Pinker, author of The Village Effect.


    Professor Mason


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