Journal Entry 3- Latimel Rodriguez

February 11th I walk in to the studio with a new found excitement, I approach the door with the idea that this is a job, not just an internship. I know that opportunity can arise from this experience. I walk in and the receptionist greets me, and asks me to wait. She calls to the back and tells Mr. Vargas that I’m waiting for him in the front. Its completely normal to do that I mean it is my first official day at the studio. I start thinking, maybe they can see me as a regular and I can just greet everyone and stroll right in and get to designing. She asks me if I know where his office is, I reply, “yes I do”. Walking to the back I see breakfast for the staff on the table and fresh brewed coffee. Not just any coffee, Bustello Coffee. The coffee i grew up on, I’m sold, this is the place for me. Walking into Mr. Vargas’s office he’s already working on an invitation for an event. He has one simple job for me, to vectorized the most important letter in the logo. I say, “no problem, it’ll get done”. He walks me over to an empty table, I see designers all around it, and the only thought that crossed my mind was ,” HA I have my own table, It can someday be my own!”. Two hours later it was vectorized and saved in a u.s.b. titled, “Intern2015”, it would of been done faster but my computer crashed and every designer knows how that goes, especially if you didn’t save the work. After its done, he stares at it and says,” it’s still missing something”. I agree, it isn’t executed yet but it is on its way. He hands me two books labeled un-coated and coated, my next project is looking for the pantones that match the identity colors the closest. The process took thirty minutes. I have to be completely honest looking for pantones is not the easiest thing in the world but it is therapeutic. To my knowledge Mr. Vargas was pleased with he choices I picked out. I explained why they were the closest ones to the actual corporate colors. He ended up giving me an invitation with all that the invitation entails, information wise, and said, ”redesign this for me”, not finished off course but sketched out and conceptualized to a tight degree, where he can clearly understand my thought process. It’s 1:30 at this point and its time to head over to my internship class. I ask if i can come back after class, but obviously I can’t they close at 5pm. I then say can I come tomorrow, a holiday, Mr. Vargas laughs and says,” you trying to make me work on my day off”. I leave my desk feeling accomplished and with goals that I have to meet to make sure my supervisor is pleased with the work I’ve created.

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