- My project has been going pretty well. So far I’ve completed 10 pages for my rough draft. Mainly just getting the ideas out so I can just make the illustrations better and not have to worry about the dialogue. I
Author: DėvïnTåyłør
Outline (Graphic Novel)-Devin T.
Sorry for the penmanship. After my meeting with the writing center to discuss my genre, I decided 11 pages of content would be enough as well as including a disclaimer page. Mainly due to me wanting to include a scene …
Mentor Text Analysis-Devin T (Updated)
The graphic novel I read was “Home Sick Pilots”written by Caspar Wijingaard, Dan Watters. The hook they used was a line that went “I can’t move” and then a house blowing up at a certain spot. The entirety of a …
Project Proposal-Devin T
My research question is how did the Covid-19 pandemic affect the mental health of students? I chose this topic because I didn’t really consider it while everything was shutdown until towards the end of it. The message I’d like to …
Final Revisions ED Narative-Devin
After reading Professor Wu’s notes on my RAB final draft,I realized she was right in stating I can word the entire piece better. In most of my rhetorical analysis sections, I was rather vague in my writing and not really …
RBG Op-Ed Analysis – Devin Taylor
Main Idea-
The main idea for “Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Advice for Living” by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is her talking about her life experiences and how she got to be the world renowned supreme court justice before she passed.
Who …
RAB Conclusion-Devin T.
During my researched I learned more about what it was like to be a student during the pandemic. I myself couldn’t really continue with my carpentry class when everything shut down.Didn’t really have a laptop and simply didn’t want to …
RAB Source Entry 3-Devin Taylor
MLA Citation:
Shaid, Rebecca. “Teens Discuss Mental Health during Covid-19.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 8 Jan. 2022, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/classroom/2020/10/teens-discuss-mental-health-during-covid-19/.
Main Idea:
How the pandemic has affected high school students
In the video,”Teens Discuss Mental Health During Covid-19″,many students …
RAB Source Entry 2- Devin Taylor (updated)
MLA Citation:
Smith, Emily Esfahani. “Teenagers Are Struggling, and It’s Not Just Lockdown.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 May 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/04/opinion/coronavirus-mental-health-teenagers.html?searchResultPosition=2.
Main Idea: How has the Pandemic affected the mental health of students
The …
RAB Source Entry 1-Devin Taylor
MLA Citation:
Barry, Ellen.”Many Teens Report Emotional and Physical Abuse by Parents During Lockdown”.The New York Times, The New York Times, March 31,2022,https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/31/health/covid-mental-health-teens.html?searchResultPosition=5
Main Idea: How did the pandemic affected the mental health of students?
Supporting detail 1: “A …