Notes from today, and blogging assignment for Thursday, May 2

Today we delved into a discussion on process documentation. Slides from today are available here. Your last blog post of the semester is due on Thursday! Please write one post of at least 100 words in response to the following:

Locate one example of process documentation in any format, read it, and write one 100-word blog post in which you describe, summarize and critique it. Does it document thoroughly and completely the process that it claims to document? If you choose a video, please embed the video into your blog post so that we can all view it easily.

You may find it helpful to review the Edge and Robinson articles to guide your selection of a good quality example of process documentation.

In class I announced the new CUNY Service Corps, which offers opportunities to students to work on projects contributing to education, economic development, or the environment in New York. Applications are due June 1.

The final drafts of your research papers are due Thursday, May 9 by 2:30 p.m. As always, please get in touch if you have questions about this assignment.

~Prof. L.

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How to use track changes in Word

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Notes from today, and assignments for Tuesday, April 30

Today we discussed standards, methods, and styles for citing text and non-text media. Your examples of citation style that reflects our community of inquiry were interesting and thoughtful interpretations of the “three rules,” and are available in the docs on the course profile. Slides from today are available here.

Next week we will move into a discussion of the documentation of processes. Please read the following 2 articles:

Edge, “Write it down! The importance of documentation

Robinson, “Documentation Dilemmas

Your research paper draft is now due on Monday, April 29 by 2:30 p.m.

As always, if you have questions about the assignment, please get in touch.

~Prof. Leonard

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging assignments for Thursday, April 25

Today we discussed the rationale for documentation and citation, as well as the “link rot” phenomenon and various aspects of documentation from the Hauptman article. Slides from today are available here. On Thursday we will continue our discussion on documentation and citation. Please read the following:

Badke, chapter 9
Browse Purdue OWL’s APA and MLA Style sections

Your blogging assignment is to comment on a classmate’s blog post; either one 100-word comment, or 2 comments totaling 100 words.

The draft of your research paper is due on by the beginning of class on Thursday MONDAY, APRIL 29 by 2:30 p.m. Please submit it as an email attachment, or contact me if you feel you need to submit a paper copy.

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Documentation Purpose

The article talks about the function (purpose) of Documentation. According to the article, Documentation has six mutual exclusive purpose: acknowledgment, attribution, tracing, validation, protection against accusation of misconduct, and tangential substantive commentary. This article also explained the importance of references and footnotes in a piece of information. The main reason why those little comments made by others are so important is because it might actually help the reader to get a much more better understanding of the information in a very short amount of time. And as human, we all want quick and fast result in almost everything we are trying to find. That is why footnotes and references were created.

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Documentation Purpose

According to this reading, Documentation, through some form of allusion or citation, serves six purposes: acknowledgement, attribution, tracing, validation, protection, and commentary. The purpose of citation is not only give credit to the person who has inspired you and whose work helped you in offering an interpretation, creation, and explanation also It makes easier for the audience to find from where this information is coming. Sometime people get new ideas from old information and to present these new ideas to the audience, it is important to mention what inspired them and it can be done by citation, by mentioning the name of the person.

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Documentation and Citation

Howard speaks about link rot studies. Not all link’s used to cite your sources last forever. Many times when you return to your references, you may not find the information you used in your work. Link’s do not last forever, Howard suggests you print the article you used as a reference, this way you can always go back to it even when it’s link rots. According to Hauptman you must cite your sources no matter how small their work may have influenced yours. Failure to do so may result in plagiarism accusations. He also believes all work has been created, or built upon the works of a predecessor. This is very true in the case of scientific works. Many times scientists look over their peer’s lab results and create new experriments to gain better or similar results.

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Research journal post

My research paper is currently underway. Progress is being made everyday. I have become far more acquainted with certain databases that are essential for my topic. They have provided me with my necessary news sources for the paper. The internet and scholarly sources will accompany the paper along the way, but not without my own words, of course. Some changes will have to be made to my annotated bibliography because I replaced a source a while ago with newer ones, considered to be “scholarly”. The two news sources I have now have much more depth than the two previous I have had. The bibliography will be updated as well; it needs to be, for the better of the paper.

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Preserving sources on the web

Link rot is the common occurrence of links and or URL’S ceasing to work. In the past we were would store important scholarly information on analog devices that could be pulled for reference and stored for further use. With the advent of the web footnotes were able to be placed directly with the article. With a click researchers are able to see the original reference the author is quoting. Although this is a convenient feature of the web these links often become disconnected and lead the searcher nowhere. This may happen because the host redesigned their website and there is simply no longer a physical link to the specific article or study. As the web advances and researchers rely heavily on digital as opposed to analog resources a system has to be formed to retain these sources. Both authors and libraries could continue to save and archive digital pieces of data to preserve their scientific integrity and value.

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The Life of a Link

Almost all information that we use in our daily lives have links that will take us to whatever  we need to research. It almost seems that these links virtually last forever. The truth is that they will eventually cease to exist. For example, decades ago, we used floppy disks, punch tapes, computer cards, and more to store the information we need. The sources we use were reliable and legit during that time. As the digital age entered our lives, the links we used to know and love are not active anymore as they are no longer needed for service. As the old links disappear, new links related to digital technology are being born into the Web. Some of us call it “link-rotting” as the URL becomes inactive and no longer displayed in searches. Now, to get the information of today, we use links that are recent and more relevant.

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