Author Archives: Jessica

Research Project

Below is the link to our Research Rummy Project Enjoy! Jessica, Alae, Harpreet

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Process Documentation

This process document illustrates the flow of penalty payments for a particular organization.  This is a thorough explanation of the various situations that could occur and what the final result should be for each individual situation.  If a new employee … Continue reading

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Preserving sources on the web

Link rot is the common occurrence of links and or URL’S ceasing to work. In the past we were would store important scholarly information on analog devices that could be pulled for reference and stored for further use. With the … Continue reading

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Search engine vs Database

I have learned a few new features in the past several weeks. The most useful tool would probably be the scaffolding and limitation techniques that you can use with the various databases. Initially I would search with my usual natural … Continue reading

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Journal entry 3

I used both Google Scholar and EBSCO to search my topic. Initially Google Scholar was an easier interface to understand. I could type with natural language and the search engine provided various articles that could be related to my topic. … Continue reading

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Journal entry #2

While In class I experimented with Google Scholar for the first time using a few different approaches. I started with an and/or search but was not obtaining any useful results. I then tried natural language but was obtaining to many … Continue reading

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Preliminary research

So far my research for this topic has been relatively superficial. My topic is rather new, in general it is how web 2.0 and other media outlets are affecting the lives of strictly religious communities. My biggest hurdle so far … Continue reading

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Sesrch engine optimization

Companies must utilize search engine optimization in order to ensure brand recognition. As Liddy and Badke both explained search engines use a variety of features to retrieve user information. Term frequencies, term location, date of publication can all be drawn … Continue reading

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Controlled researching

The most frustrating stage of the research process is typing in a keyword and having 500 articles appear that are in no way related to your topic. I find the aspects of controlled tagging and controlled vocabulary (brought up by … Continue reading

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Funded research vs public research

The most interesting conclusion that Martin drew was the concept of having community control and participation in obtaining new research. After reading his text this made sense considering the amount of private/ government funding that goes into most big name … Continue reading

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