I started using Wiki about four years ago and me being a student that hated technology I did not know that the public can actually edit the information until the first week of school. I think that it is awesome that anyone can share any kind of information from any part of the world. I began to use Wiki for study purposes while attending the Ass. Radiology Program at City Tech and now I like to use Wiki for travel information, like what are fun things to do when you are in Saratoga Springs, or what are the best hotels in Florida. You can get so much information from Wiki however, it becomes a problem when you do one search and you get about 10,000 different hits of information that you have to take time out and go through what is worth reading. One issue that I tend to think about is, “Who put this information up and how true is the information?” I guess I always leave it up to my judgment to decide.
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