Tag Archives: tips for a good research

Summary of Chapters 1 and 8 of the Research Strategies by William Badke

In the chapters 1 and 8 of the book “Research Strategies”, William Badke discusses the advantages and inconvenient of the new manuals of information compare to the old one and also the techniques of information gathering. Indeed, in chapter one, the author says that printing is important since it enables us to avoid memorizing, but Badke believes we must verify information before printing. Still in the same chapter, the author explains how the printing press and internet have revolutionized the world. Next, he states that gatekeepers had control over the printing press which helped to preserve credibility of the information. However, he asserts that information from the web is less credible because internet is the area of liberty of talk. In chapter eight, Badke gives some tips for an efficient achievement of any kind of research such as books and articles selection, note taking, using of quotes, giving credit to author and so on, but she stress about gravity of plagiarism.