Tag Archives: online videos

Homework #8 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

In the video “Laws that Choke Creativity” Lessig goes over history in the way that someone from the past viewed how technology would shape and change the future. For example, he discusses how John Philip Sousa used to enjoy music by hearing people actually sing and not depend on vocal machines, like auto-tune, to make music. Another example was William Blackstone’s perception of land in which he believed that no one has the right to trespass someone’s land, way above or below the ground, without the land owner’s consent. With technology growing throughout the years, the invention of planes and helicopters took place. This was problematic for several landowners since planes and helicopters would cross many pieces of land, in the sky, without their consent. As the time was evolving so has the law. The land laws were changed so that planes or any other aircraft that flew over other people’s land were not considered trespasses. This had to change because if the government would have kept the old land law. then flight trips would become impossible since they would get sued by many land owners for “trespassing”.