Tag Archives: maurice isserman

Emira Marra, HW #7

Plagiarism is an unlawful act of stealing another’s thoughts, words, phrases sentences or opinions. In general, it is basically stealing another person’s understand and creativity. However, before reading Plagiarism: a lie of the mind by Maurice Isserman, I too wondered about the fine line between what is actual plagiarism and what is not. Intentionally and noticeably stealing another’s words or thoughts seems substanially wrong, however, many of  the best discoveries or books have been built upon a foundation of other peoples findings or understanding and, have potentionally grown and advanced because of that. The whole idea of plagiarism can be narrowed down from the very begining of ones life, such as when we learn to speak. We are learning based upon other peoples phrases that have left either an impact or a learning experience. From this we grow and gradually move to our own originality.