Tag Archives: joeysHW

Joey- Documentation

So far shown in class was a couple of how to videos and I decided to go on the same route.  The video link below is a documentation showing the viewers on how to be a ninja.  In the beginning of the video it shows why one might want to become a ninja with the boy getting bully and asking if he was tired of getting bullied.  The point of the video is clearly comical use but it does go about in steps on how to become a ninja.  The video shows step wise what needs to be done and also demonstrates the actions.  At the end of the video it also shows a demonstration on how the steps should look like.  I viewed this video almost 5 years ago and was the first thing to come to mind when asked to do this blog post. Hope you enjoy it.

journal entry #2 – joey

In classes I have taken before writing a research paper has been hard especially when it comes to finding good quality research.  Throughout this class many techniques of finding research have been given to us in order to find it.  Some of the things I have already used in order to find different research for different classes but finding research for my topic has been very difficult.  I thought it would be a breeze because of the studies we did to find research but as I learned more the research found wasn’t good enough and I really didn’t think it would be this time consuming.

homework#9 – joey

While reading Badke I gained a bettwr understanding about databases and search engines.  The most important thing I learned is when searching for research remember to be precise on what your using to search.  The more detail you are with what you search the better the answers.  Badke gives an example of “rock” the term rock could be a solid object but also be used in the sense of rocking a chair.  Being general in a search would make your life harder in finiding the perfect information needed for your research.  Badke also provided websites that are great databases but given that the cuny library also has a great collection of databases for almost every type of research I find it better.

joey- hw3

While reading Pavliks “Producers of Digital Media” I learned how media had changed over time and the meanings behind it.  It helped me recognized how involved the public is in todays media.  It gave examples of how phones are were used to record some important evidence and how mostly it was random citizens.  The reading also talks about newspaper were privately owned before and now changing to be publicly owned for the sake of having business because people like having a say in todays media.  This is why most media have adopted to having online distribution and consumption, in order to let the public to have discussions by the means of blogging.