Tag Archives: invasion

H.W. 6 Reno A

Facebook have become the biggest social network over the years, but during 2006 Facebook did have their flaws. The “News Feed” was the biggest problem that has followers or user to be concerned about using Facebook; it’s becoming an invasion to people privacy. People can see their friend’s relationship status, recent post, etc.; it’s mostly that people have access to other people private information. This also makes the user have less option of what they can hide or not, and this kind of leave them in public eye. I do think that “Newsfeed” is way over the top and it makes you feel uncomfortable to see you friend business (it’s kind of weird) but still you on a social Networking if you put something on the surf web it not private anymore.

Homework #6 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

I learned that on September 5th, 2006 Facebook launched a new feature called “News Feed” which angered many people because they saw it as an invasion of privacy. As a result, this led them to create groups and pages within the Facebook website itself that were against the new feature. I never experienced this myself because I joined Facebook in 2011, which was a lot later. I disagree with the Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, on saying that all the information on someone was public anyway. On a technical standpoint; he is right because all the information on the News Feed can be viewed on everyone’s individual profiles, but people actually had to put time and effort to find certain information. With News Feed, everything little detail is added to that page which is accessible when someone enters Facebook and log in.