Tag Archives: HW 5

Wiki History – Destiny Modeste

“Wikipedia is just an incredible thing,” stated Nicholson Baker in the first sentence of “The Charms of Wikipedia.” After reading this article I agree with Mr. Baker. It’s a complex online database that I feel we take advantage of. Even though we shouldn’t use it for educational purposes because some articles get vandalized by wiki-users who may or may not have a dislike for the topic or just to want to mess with people, it still holds a lot of information for personal use. This article made me want to actually browse through some recently made pages and see some of the remarks people put just for a laugh, but I don’t think I’d find any because of the “algorithmicized helper bots.” This vandalizing act has a positive and negative side.  Being able to add inaccurate information is obviously the negative but being able to discuss a topic of interest with others is the positive. So, it all depends on how we use it.

-Destiny Modeste