Tag Archives: disney


I never knew copyrights had an expiration date. I always thought once something is copyright that’s it. The copyright is forever. Another thing I had the no idea of was the guidelines behind copyright laws. The guidelines are very strict. To think I could get in trouble for a using a few minutes a movie.  When if the use was for educational purposes. The video on fair use which used parts of Disney movies really makes a point of the fair use laws. Law does not allow much use of the movies, only a few clips.  Many people are outrage on the copyright and fair use laws. They said the laws are too strict and buts a stop on creativity. I could understand, but it not a big deal. I want to give people credit for having the ability to come up with ideas.

Copyright – Destiny Modeste

The three videos were absolutely informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking. I loved the use of all the various Disney movies in “A Fair(y) Use Tale” by Eric Faden, it kept me interested throughout the entire thing and explained the idea of copyrighting. As for how long someone can copyright something, I believe that it is absolutely preposterous to a certain extent. While watching, “Copyright: Forever Less One Day” by Lessig, I noticed that the longevity of the copyright keeps the originality of these great works. Everyone always says the first one is always the best, so why mess with them; possibly changing the original writer’s idea. Copyright does prevent others creativity but also keeps the originality of the work.

-Destiny Modeste