Tag Archives: Audio

Homework #3 Reno A

The World Wide Web has become the next big thing in the digital media. We can watch homemade video, listening to audio books and many more. The way that technologies have advance, books and news are now becoming more on the web or the radio and less being printed. Cable companies are becoming more aware and using these technologies like satellites, having more program networks like HBO, A&E and making profits out and them expanding their money. Mobile devices like cell phones and camera can be record or taken photos and upload  them on the web for the whole world to see. For example the death of Saddam Hussein was being record on cellphone on that day of his death was being upload on the web. After reading Producer Of Digital Media has taught something new about digital media, like fan made movie or television shows I thought people do that to make money or sells ideas. The way the technology has grew through the years is remarkable and the way we can upload videos and news so easy is what make technology what is today.