Tag Archives: access

Notes from today, and reading/blogging homework for Monday, September 24

Today we discussed Web 2.0, social media, social networking, and participatory media. The typewith.me document we created is available here. We ran out of time before we could view and discuss a few videos in class. One is the Tim Berners-Lee TED talk embedded in the open data article you read for today; the other is The Machine is Us/ing Us:

On Monday 9/24, we’ll move into a discussion of access — personal and institutional, and the digital divide. Please read Martin, The Politics of Research (pdf). Use the comments feature of the course site to comment on a classmate’s blog post: one comment of at least 100 words or 2 comments of 50 words minimum on 2 different posts. Please get in touch if you have any questions or issues with the comment feature.

Slides from today are available here.


~Prof. Leonard