Author Archives: mhernandez55

Homework 3 Maria Hernandez

 In the reading of” Producer of Digital Media” by John V. Pavlik, he mentions the contents posted online are unfiltered. The World Wide Web gives people the freedom to post anything they want online. They  no longer have to depend on a middle person to reach an audience. They dont have to be subjected to producers or editors. The postings could be for personal use or for profit. Anyone could post a homemade movie, music video, or reenactment of their favorite TV shows, without being tempered. Businesses can post commercials online, allowing people to watch it more than once. Compared to a TV commercial, consumers have to wait for the commercial to reappear.   I work at an Urgent Care in Midtown; we have a commercial posted online.  People can view has many times as they want.

Homework 2

A picture is worth a thousand words. With the invention of the daguerreotype reporters, were able to share what they were seeing at scene. John V. Pavlik the author of the, In the Digital Age, mentioned the daguerreotype image as enriching the storytelling abilities of the newspaper medium. To think how powerful a simple picture was back then. Image if a person living in the 1850’s could travel to the future. He or she would probably start a blog, on how great, useful, and easy the new technology we have now. It’s amazing how much technology has improved. Along with these improvements, the way in which information is shared and sought has become easier. People could get the news, read magazines, and research all on their phones or tablets. We no longer have to wait for the  tomorrows newspaper, ten clock news or the gossip show on Thursdays night for information. We could easily obtain information on what’s going on in the moment by having access to the World Wide Web.  Now we are able see to images, videos, and have to ability to comment on them. We could post your own information and correct other people’s information. The creation of wikis allows us to, like the infamous Wikipedia.

Homework One

While reading these chapters, I couldn’t help but, to think of my own personal experience with research papers. I believe I have written about eight to ten research papers. I can’t even remember one topic I wrote about. Who knows I probably wrote a paper on the California Gold Rush. I would pick any topic, not caring at all. Now thinking about it, I kind of feel sorry for my professors. They had to read my boring papers, which I obtain most of my information from a Google search. When  Badke mention how people would normally pick the top five links from a google search, I couldn’t stop laughing. I am one of those people, especially if I’m doing a research paper. I didn’t care about the source. Never thought if it was reliable or not. All I wanted was to obtain enough information to write paper which long enough to meet the minimum amount of pages allowed. Once I had the information I would skim through it to get the most important information. I had no problem being a ruthless reader, but I was a boring writer. I was a summarizer/paraphraser.

In addition, while reading the preface an Allstate insurance commercial  pop into my head. Badke mentions in his writing, how people would believe all the information they read online. Now we are the gatekeepers like Badke points out. Some of us don’t question the source ,where the information was obtained, and if the person is an expert on the topic. It’s sad to say but,  I’m a Wikipedia reader and I have never questioned the source.