After reading the articles, I wonder what is to become of the World Wide Web. The internet has grown to a massive source of information. Big companies or everyday people are able to share, connect, and sell information. Social media such as Facebook, blogs, instagram, and YouTube, make it possible. The information obtain from these sites are used for various reasons. It may be for profit or personal use. Big companies have the ability to expand their networking. For example, some websites you no longer have to create a login. You could log in through Facebook. Once you log in, the information given to Facebook is now share with the new website. You no longer have to take the time to write you address, birthday, or your email address. Everyday people are the reason for which these changes are possible. Bloggers, yelpers, and commenters, write their ideas, thoughts and complaints daily on the web. Maybe someone wrote a blog on how much they hate having to write their personal information, create screen names and passwords for every site. Someone else commented how they have so many different screen names and passwords, they cannot remember. Then a Facebook developer read the blog and came up with Facebook connect. The World Wide Web is for every changing by the information generated from everyday people.