Author Archives: ismael

Author Right

In this video Copyright:” Forever Less One Day”, the author discusses the origin of the implementation of Copyright. In fact, the author says that the idea of copyright was first carried out by in United Kingdom; the purpose was to enable authors to have control over their works, and to avoid fraud. Concerning myself, I just knew from this video about Copyright that Copyright has expiration date, before I thought that the right of the author was unlimited. My opinion is that Copyright is a great thing insofar as it allows authors to survive from the work they have done; otherwise with the evolution of the technology, people would use others guys work as their own.













































































In this article “Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind”, Maurice Isserman discusses the causes of plagiarism. First, he compares plagiarism to a fraud because plagiarism is the use of another person work as your own. Indeed, the author says that we can avoid plagiarism by seriously learning from other because he states that if you learn something from your mentor and you can’t explain what you learned in your own words; you do not retain anything.

In the second passage”The Plagiarist’s Tale”, Lizzie Widdicome gives some example of stealing of some books by others authors. Personally, I think that plagiarism is bad since nobody want to spend several hours of work and not at least getting credit for what he did. Therefore stealing else body work has to be avoided.

Online Privacy

In the article,” Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck”, the author discusses the inconvenience caused by “News Feeds” where people could have access to their Facebook friends’ activities and sensitive information. However, after the protest of Facebook users again the violation of their privacy, Mark Zuckerberg took some initiatives to stop this annoyance. Indeed, Zckerberg says that the goal of Facebook is to help people share information, but some users use it as source of libel and bullying. For instance, a friend of mind split out with his girlfriend; thus in order to take her revenge, she used his own Facebook page to gossip several bad things about him include their sexual life, and all his receive those horrible posts. In fact, she was able to do that because she knew his password.

Concerning the online privacy, I thing that something must be done by the government to stop the tracking of other people information because if someone has some information about what you like, what you do, and what kind of website you surf, it is like you are walking naked in front of him, so he can harm you at anytime he want.

Summary of the article ” The Politics of Research”

In the article “The Politics of Research”, the author discusses the motivations of research. In fact, Martin says are based on the gain of knowledge and power. Next, he classifies the different kinds of knowledge, and he concludes that there is a connection between knowledge and power. On top of that, the author says that education precedes knowledge and knowledge precedes power because government, business leaders and parents rely on educated people to maintain the nation survival. Also, according to Martin, education aids people to get the bodies of knowledge and research is the investigation and improvement of existing knowledge. However, once becoming an expert in specific domain, government, big companies use that knowledge to generate power that is used to control other citizens.

Personally, I think everything is based on money making; research is expensive, so I find normal that research investors try to make profit of it after it’s done.

History of Wikipedia

Reading the article “Charms of Wikipedia”, I found out a lot of information that I was not aware about it. For instance, the author explained how Wikipedia has become a great tool of research on the web. Next, the co-founder Jimmy, states that Wikipedia is addictive that many social networks such as facebook, You Tube, AOL and so on. Furthermore, I did know that anybody could add an article or propose a deletion of an editorial. However, Broughton stressed out on the quality of Wikipedia article. For example, he forbade the articles about personal feeling.

Besides, in the video “Social Media”, the author compares social media to ice cream which has been liberalized by its vendors, just to say that nowadays, everyone can give his opinion, get public opinion about an issue concerning all of us through the web.

Next, the article “Linked Data gives people power”, informs us that we can use data posted by bloggers on the web do several great things. For example, I have chosen Chemical Technology instead of Chemistry because according to data, it is easier to get chemical technology job than standard chemistry job

Regular Media versus Free Alternative Press

In the passage “Alternative Press”, the author tries to warn public about what they take for the absolute truth; I mean the news broadcast through TVs and publish by newspapers. In fact, the author says that the news released by media is merely linked to their own interest and the one of the government. Fortunately, nowadays, we have some free alternative press that can inform people for the common interest of everyone. Next, I can compare free alternative press to what the author calls newspaper without government; free alternative press reveals the need of population and can criticize the government at every single level. As an alternative, the zine is one of the options to write a free press. Since zine is an amateur press, the author stressed out about the privacy of the writers while publishing their zines.

To sum up, I believes that free alternative press is very important insofar as it denounces some problems that we will never find in the regular media

Revolution of media by amateur videos and picture

In the passage “Producers Of Digital Media”, the author discusses the effects of technology on media. In fact, the author says that the coming of internet has allowed the improvement of information quality, and also the liberalizing of that sector of activity. For instance, the author mentioned how the video of Saddam Hussein execution has been obtained, just to say that how much amateur videos and pictures have gained an important place in the media field. Even big companies such as New York Times, Washington Post use those kinds of videos online to support their publications. Besides, to join the author, I can say that the information is easily wide spray with the web. For example, if I don’t understand some parts of the lecture in class, I go online to find my response. In a word, I can state that media imperatively need technology and amateur videos and picture in order to cover the most important news

The gist of the second assignment

In the article, New Technology and the Media, Pavlik discusses how technology has revolutionized the media field. Indeed, before the coming of internet, the author explains the wonders of the daguerreotype technology and the wireless invented by Guglielmo. Also, Pavlik stresses on the dangers that threaten journalism without technology. Finally, the author advices the media to implement the new technology of information in order to be more efficient.

Besides, in the passage, Reading and Writing, the author explains how librarians can use web to ease books distribution and promotion. Next, readers can employ web to share their opinion on different books read.

Concerning, the videos Blog Writers and Wikis in Plain English, the author demonstrates how much blogs are important nowadays. In fact, he wants to show us that anyone can use blog to express his personal point of view; how bloggers interact through webs. To sum up, blogs enable us to act as journalists


Summary of Chapters 1 and 8 of the Research Strategies by William Badke

In the chapters 1 and 8 of the book “Research Strategies”, William Badke discusses the advantages and inconvenient of the new manuals of information compare to the old one and also the techniques of information gathering. Indeed, in chapter one, the author says that printing is important since it enables us to avoid memorizing, but Badke believes we must verify information before printing. Still in the same chapter, the author explains how the printing press and internet have revolutionized the world. Next, he states that gatekeepers had control over the printing press which helped to preserve credibility of the information. However, he asserts that information from the web is less credible because internet is the area of liberty of talk. In chapter eight, Badke gives some tips for an efficient achievement of any kind of research such as books and articles selection, note taking, using of quotes, giving credit to author and so on, but she stress about gravity of plagiarism.