Author Archives: Harry Attilio





Documentation hw

The video I have seen, I’ve used. It is a very helpful video and the commentary is good because the video contains jokes and give people a comfortable vibe from the narrators. They go by each step and show you a close to accurate way to complete the task. It may not explain how to use the character, but it is a video for mostly people who play the game or know about the game. Also this video can be watch more then once if you need a refresher on how to do it. Since it is a video game and a video it is easier to show a task because there will be less explanation.

Homework #8

After watching the ” A Fair(y) Use Tale” it explains that a person can’t use a article or an idea with out credit till after it enters the public domain. Which can then be accessed by anyone. Now it would have to take a 100 years just to be put into the that domain some also may never enter the domain. I think that a 25 year limit would make more sense or at least to where that information is now a common knowledge amongst people. The thought will ever work especially in this day in age because people are more concerend in making money off anything they possible can instead of information being used freely by the public which all information is intended for. The argument to where you shouldn’t have to give credit to the writer/author shouldn’t be a big deal so a person has to write/type a few more words, that i think should be left as a rule since so many people would just use their ideas instead of their own.

Homework #7

Plagiarism is such a huge deal and the access to it can be easy to get to. Some high school students and even college students would plagiarize peoples work just so they don’t have to do the given assignment. Now a days teachers can find out if something has be plagiarized with machines or just looking up some of the sentences on Google. Plagiarism has also been caught in book writers where they say they had written a book and got it from personal experiences but in reality they actually took that story line and idea from another book or person.

homework #6

Facebook went through a lot of changes since it had first started. Facebook was first intended just for college kids and just like every social media site little kids tend to take it over thus changing the main idea for a site. The privacy setting have also changed, but as I use Facebook I’ve never touch them because i really don’t post things I don’t want to be posted. The problem people have with their privacy is that they don’t keep it private and just post it for the entire world to see, but once someone they don’t want to see it they complain that there is no privacy.


Homework #4 Alternate press/Zines

There are many forms of press used in today’s times and some are removing others in the process. Some people enjoy reading the news, now since you can access the news straight from your computer at home a person no longer needs to leave their house to get information. With this can slowly decrees the amount of newspapers being distributed, but the online subscription would increase. The same goes for books as well because instead of carrying some heavy book they could just download a pdf straight to their Ipad or tablet and read on a light weight device.

For Zines I believe that they do have a place in this world of today. They are usually a small designed book with information about what ever the author feels is necessary and wants readers to read about. With zines being in mainstream circles people can get more of an audience to read them and can continue to pass the word around.

Producers of digital media (Homework #3)

I would have to say that today the biggest source where people get their news is probably from Youtube. Now-a-days people go on to YouTube and search for the latest new updates. Also people get other new information about other products like the latest video game or the next movie that’s in production. And not only do national television shows show content on the site but everyday people also post up news stories and millions of people watch them.

Another source people get the daily intake of information is anywhere online. All a person has to do is go to Google or Bing and just type in what they want to look for and a giant selection of information will be available to anyone who has a computer with Internet. Also written sources are also going digital because they know that people would rather spend nothing for an article they could just find on their own instead of going out of their house and “wasting” money on a $1.50 newspaper they could get at a local store.

Chapter 1 (homework 1)

After reading chapter one I’ve come to find we as a nation need to learn how to communicate better. Yeah we spend all of our time chatting on Facebook, acting all cool on Twitter, and even texting our friends but what happened to the simple way of just getting out of the house and experiencing our stories verbally and in person. In the chapter he mentioned that back in the day only source of communication was through talking to one another and passing each story down.

I do have to agree about how we pass information which is completely better then how it used to be. A person that can easily access a computer can get any piece of information just by typing it in on Google. As soon as something cool, interesting, informative, or something completely stupid is quickly uploaded to a computer and spread around quickly.

I believe that our communication should be handled differently, but our way to spread information has improved since the Printing Press and should continue to improve so that our information is accessed even easier then it is today