Author Archives: emira


Making a thanksgiving turkey is not easy. There are a lot of steps one has to go through to make the turkey come out good enough to serve. It is generally a long process that takes at least five hours. Dryness is the biggest complaint people have. In this video it shows you how to keep the turkey moist. In the video the cook mentions something about “basting” she should explain further what this process is so people can understand not to do it in case they are not fully aware what it is. Other than that, she does a thorough job at explaining how to cook a thanksgiving turkey if one is unaware how to do so

blogg post/citing

Citing information is important and necessary for several reasons and one of them being the most impotant, to me, is acknowledgment for the author. While reading a excerpt from Howard, Hot Type: A Modern Scholar’s Ailments: Link Rot and Footnote Flight, I realized that there are many reasons one should cite informatiom, that are all equivelantly important. Cititng reliable sources also validates conclusions that are made or presumed. We can not state facts that can not be supported by proper research. quality should also be considered when citing  source. Links to the sources trace the information and represent the gatheresd information

journal response

In class we reviewed many ways to research that has helped me with numerous amounts of things such as, finding an article or piece of information that is reliable and where to look for them. Databases are helping me find scholarly articles that I need for my paper. JSTOR is one of them. When I was gathering articles/info for my annotated bibliography, JSTOR helped me find articles that dealt with the law aspect of my assignment. Google scholar helped, but not so much as I hoped because when I would type something in the search engine, it would pull up articles in different languages or something that was completely irrelevant. In order to recieve worthy information, I had to put much effort in refining my searches

hw#11 journal response

In class we discussed many strategies that we can use to help advance our searches. This has been very successful with helping me locate useful information for my research paper. My favorite is google scholar. I like google scholar because it is much more trust worthy than regular google searches and,
I feel more comfortable and secure using it. Eliminating stop words has also taught me how to advance my searches. Before knowing about google scholar, I was nervous about writing my paper. Now that we went over a few different strategies, I now have more confidence. Easybib has been a great help as well because it teaches us how to be organized, it locates reliable information and my favorite part about easybib is how it sites the articles.

hw # 10 journal blogg

The issues that I have come across while doing this research project is finding reliable sources. I am also dealing with an issue that i’ve always dealt with which is, writers block. I try to think of ways on how I could attempt to write this paper such as, what my opeining sentence might be. I have been using google extensively to try and develop ways on where to locate my sources. During class, we have gone over ways that can help us locate a better source especially on how to use a search engine. Now I am more aware on how to formulate a sentence on google that can strengthen my search.

homework #9 search engine liddy

After reading the article on Liddy’s “How a Search Engine Works” I always noticed a similarity in searches and how they somehow linked to my preferences. At first I did not pay much attention to it, but now I realize how a search engine refines’s exactly what your looking for based on key terms or how something is typed into the search engine. at times, searches are on point and sometimes they are difficult to find. Now I realize it may be important to improve searches by shortening what your looking for to have a more refined search that can directly lead you to what your looking for. an “Inverted file isolates and metatags subdocument pieces.” This helps information link together for a better outcome.

homework #8

The videos that were posted were very informative on copyright laws. It definitely gave me a better understands and more knowledge towards the actual law itself. Before viewing the video I did not know that dancing can have a copyright law. It really showed me that pretty much anything creative can be copyrighted. I believe however, that copyright should have a limit and that people should not be able to have copyright after their death. The videos explain the reasoning to this and that is because companies own copyright to peoples ideas that help them make money as well. A great example from one of the videos was Walt Disney. Walt Disney has been deceased for many years however, his memory and creativity lives on through the company walt disney. I think if there was a limitation to how long something can be copyrighted, it would create more value because nothing can beat the originality. If the material is that good or entertaining where it causes demand, then it will still be lucrative in itself.

Emira Marra, HW #7

Plagiarism is an unlawful act of stealing another’s thoughts, words, phrases sentences or opinions. In general, it is basically stealing another person’s understand and creativity. However, before reading Plagiarism: a lie of the mind by Maurice Isserman, I too wondered about the fine line between what is actual plagiarism and what is not. Intentionally and noticeably stealing another’s words or thoughts seems substanially wrong, however, many of  the best discoveries or books have been built upon a foundation of other peoples findings or understanding and, have potentionally grown and advanced because of that. The whole idea of plagiarism can be narrowed down from the very begining of ones life, such as when we learn to speak. We are learning based upon other peoples phrases that have left either an impact or a learning experience. From this we grow and gradually move to our own originality.

Emira Marra, Homework #6 facebook

Facebook has greatly and drastically changed the social norms of privacy that we understand today. “Newsfeed” had become a serious issue within the Facebook community and, I can clearly see how that may have developed. Newsfeed blatantly displays peoples recent activities, relationship, family and day to day status’. I disagree with Mark Zuckerberg, that information is already easily accessible because what if someone did not think to search another’s page to find information as opposed to logging on and having the information of their daily activities in front of you. It would raise less curiosity to the other person and,one is still willingly allowed to search anthers page but without being uncomfortably exposed to an acquaintance on Facebook.

homework #5 the charms of wikipedia

Wikipedia has been around for as long as I can remember. I do not use it for educational school research purposes, due to its inaccuracy, but rather for my own personal knowledge on a subject . Nicholas Baker points out many negative and positive aspects of using/editing wikipedia, in his article Charms of Wikipedia. The negative aspect is that anyone can enter the site and edit any articles with invalid information. The positive aspect is that one can enter and discuss topics of their interest and share useful information that others can build on. It is a place where editors can formulate their knowledge to hopefully become a reliable source to others. Because of its vandalism, it reminds us that wikipedia is not a commercial product. It gives one the satisfaction of “fame” so to speak, because people spend hours days and decades editing and publishing their information on Wikipedia. Others view your information and, if it is a notable, can use it as a reliable source.