Zines – Sabrina Martinez

I thought that the lecture on last Wednesday was interesting. I never knew or even heard of Zines until that class. It was kind of cool to see all the types of Zines people made and the different types of materials used to make a Zine.  I think that zines are a good idea for thank you gifts at a wedding or a birthday. It gave me an idea to create my own zine for a family function I will be having in 2013. I want to create a FAMILY TREE ZINE for my family. I know I would have to work hard getting all the pictures together but I am sure it would be a nice idea. I really liked the zine that was dedicated to Britney Spears, which was made by one of her fans. It just shows how one person can stand up for another without ever meeting them.

4 responses to “Zines – Sabrina Martinez

  1. I think a Family Tree Zine would be a great idea. It would be very interesting, it might be hard to do but probably worth it. The family tree one you could show your family past up until now from grandparents to today’s family. The Britney Spears one was was good as well cause they were not making assumptions. Great Responce.

  2. I totally agree with you on zines. They are pretty cool and thoughtfull. I think your family will love your family tree idea. It’s an outside of the box idea and I’m pretty sure it’ll be like nothing they’ve ever seen before. I also liked the Britney Spears zine. I thought it was so simple but yet the details on the drawings were pretty amazing.

  3. Great response as I was absent during the zine class your post intrigued me on the topic. I willfurther study zine to understand it better. As for your family tree ideas it would be great, it would show your family your intereststhemandI’m sure they would greatly appreciate it. Family tree would also help future generation add on and learn, growing up I always wanted a family tree. You have encouraged me to hopefully make one soon for my family, I know they would treasure it as would yours. I will take a look at the britneys spear zine but if there’s anyway you could help me with a link I’ll greatly appreciate it.

  4. I 100% agree with this blogg post because it also interested me as well. It inspired me to want to create my own zine (which I may do in the future) this was my favorite topic so far in class. Zines are interesting to me because they have no rules on how to make one and it definitely allows us to get in touch with our artistic side. A family tree zine is a cool idea on how to keep future family members informed about their own family history. It is considerate and helps one organize their thoughts and how to express their creatively.

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