The article of New Technology and the Media: An Uneasy Alliance is about how the information traveled to the world by using technology, like the electromagnetic telegraph, daguerreotype camera, radio, television and etc. The telegraph was a useful technology that use code to commutate to other people, this technology has proved to become a big help in the media industries like the newspaper company but wasn’t really reliable and the cost was very expensive. The daguerreotype images was great for newspaper article because it helps bring the story more convincing and can actual see the events that happen on the newspaper. Later on radio, television and cellphone has made information quicker, easier and more affordable to get. Media has become a big spread throughout the world and technologies have help us or guide us to what’s going on in our surrounding and now we the people can’t make any excuse anymore(that sucks). The question I have and it might sound random is why is technology controlling our lives? I mean everywhere I go I see people on their cellphone texting and I just feel that maybe technology has become a big distraction and we use technology too much. I do think technology are good in some cases but i just think that too much technology is way over the top.
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