Source Credibility

I found those three articles very useful because they have allowed me to get some information that I was not aware before. The author of ”Rot and Footnote” discusses the issue of giving credit to work creators. In fact I think that for the common sense, it is not a big deal to borrow someone else belongings, but when you take something from somebody without telling him what you did; it is stealing and punishable by law. It is the same for research paper; when you use a source to support your idea, you must give credit to the author of that source. Next, as Hauptman mentions, no matter what kind of research you are doing, you must always give the references of your sources.



One response to “Source Credibility

  1. I also agree that citing our sources is very important. It isn’t fair to the author to not get credit for their work, especially if we are inspired by the author and decide to use their material. It definitely is important for all types of research no matter what it is. Citing sources is also a great way to validate what the author (you), is trying to say. Building off of others helps one to put their own personal thoughts and feelings into perspective. Even well-known writers and philosophers of ancient times have been inspired by others and have built their own theories that are recognizable today

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