Hw Journal 2_Miguel olivares

During the past few lectures, I have really discovered some new useful techniques on how to find adequate information on the web. I think the most helpful of them all was Google scholar. I hadn’t heard of it until we covered it in class and I kind of wish it hadn’t taken me so long to discover it. I also didn’t know that we could put in a request for a specific article at the school library if I can’t get access to it on my own. I’ve also become more selective when clicking on links or choosing an article to get information from. Things like the domain, author’s credentials and whether it’s something that has been updated or revised are some of the things that I now tend to look at more than I ever did before.

One response to “Hw Journal 2_Miguel olivares

  1. Hey Miguel,
    I’ve been using Google scholars for quite some time now and I’ve really liked the results it has given me. I did learn some new things about Scholars through this class such as, adding new libraries. I still have yet to put in a request for an article at the library. Have you done so, if so how was your experience? Was it helpful? I too have become a more observant researcher and have been paying attention to the things I thought were minor before this class. I hope all is well with your research paper.
    -Destiny Modeste

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