Regular Media versus Free Alternative Press

In the passage ā€œAlternative Pressā€, the author tries to warn public about what they take for the absolute truth; I mean the news broadcast through TVs and publish by newspapers. In fact, the author says that the news released by media is merely linked to their own interest and the one of the government. Fortunately, nowadays, we have some free alternative press that can inform people for the common interest of everyone. Next, I can compare free alternative press to what the author calls newspaper without government; free alternative press reveals the need of population and can criticize the government at every single level. As an alternative, the zine is one of the options to write a free press. Since zine is an amateur press, the author stressed out about the privacy of the writers while publishing their zines.

To sum up, I believes that free alternative press is very important insofar as it denounces some problems that we will never find in the regular media

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