Notes from today, and reading and blogging assigments for Wednesday, September 12

Today we discussed non-text media in digital and analog formats, in particular some of the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges presented by the ease of creation and distribution of digital media. We ran out of time before we could discuss a relevant and recent article about digital vs. analog in the film industry, Film Is Dead? Long Live Movies: How Digital Is Changing the Nature of Movies. Take a look if you like; in it, the differences in the technologies are explained, and different film critics voice their opinions about each medium and the issues in general.

On Wednesday, September 12, we’ll discuss alternative print and digital media. I have to go out of town, so please welcome our guest lecturers, my colleagues Professor Maura Smale of the Library department at City Tech and Professor Susan Thomas of the Library department at Long Island University. For Wednesday, please read the following:

Thomas Eland, Critical thinking, deviant knowledge and the alternative press
Fred Wright, The history and characteristics of zines, part I
Zine World, Zines 101 — A quick guide to zines
Write one 100-word reading response blog post.

Looking ahead to next week, remember that classes are cancelled on Monday, September 17 and Tuesday, September 18. The college and the library are OPEN.

Slides from today are available here.

~Prof. Leonard

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