joey- hw3

While reading Pavliks “Producers of Digital Media” I learned how media had changed over time and the meanings behind it.  It helped me recognized how involved the public is in todays media.  It gave examples of how phones are were used to record some important evidence and how mostly it was random citizens.  The reading also talks about newspaper were privately owned before and now changing to be publicly owned for the sake of having business because people like having a say in todays media.  This is why most media have adopted to having online distribution and consumption, in order to let the public to have discussions by the means of blogging.

One response to “joey- hw3

  1. You should also remember that with out all this some of the people who were filmed might still be out in the streets. And thank god for armature videos because then we wouldn’t see how bad cops are and good thing their are off the force because of it. Now-a-days you see everyone with their phones already set to record just for the off chance that they will see something Youtube worthy. And the thing about blogging is that it’s not always accurate because some people are bias and tend to talk about how they feel and not about the particular topic.

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