Homework #2 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

In the video I learned about the Information Cycle, which is a process in which information is launched through different ways over time. As time progresses after an event occurs, people will know more information pertaining to the event which will lead to a different format of publishing the information. For example, people might publish a newspaper article the day after the event but someone else might publish a book, years after the event. I honestly didn’t know about the Information Cycle but the way I’m seeing it now, this process really makes sense and gives the way information is processed, a lot more clearer. In the “Digital Possibilities for Literature” book, they say how publishing has become a lot easier with the introduction to Web 2.0. This is true because now anyone can publish anything online with little to no cost at all. Before the Web 2.0, one of the major problems for authors was that a lot of them couldn’t afford to pay the fees to get their arts of literature published.

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