Today we discussed the history of information technology (timeline) and watched a video on the information lifecycle:
We also discussed primary and secondary sources of information, publishing and gatekeeping, and strategies for effective reading for research.
For Wednesday, September 5 please read pp. 1-7 of Pavlik’s book Media in the Digital Age (distributed in class and available on reserve in the City Tech library), pp. 6-9 of Harrington and Meade’s read:write: Digital Possibilities for Literature and view two videos: Blogs in Plain English and Wikis in Plain English. Write one reading response blog post of at least 100 words; refer to the blogging guidelines or ask me if you have any questions.
If you did not submit your blog post by today’s deadline, you can still get credit if you post it by 5 pm on Thursday.
Enjoy the long weekend!
~Prof. Leonard