Homework 1

In chapter one William Badke have really help me to understand how powerful information and knowledge is. How knowledge and information can be a tradition to help keep the society and the generation alive. Information has generally spread throughout the world and becoming easier to access, people can go the internet and look up any information and that search engine will give you that specific type of information you want. Since the generation has change and the technology have become a big impact in people lives, we don’t need to ask people for information or looking up on books anymore we just go to the internet, and that’s the problem I have with that. It seems that the internet is our only solution, I mean we rely on the internet to much that  people believe what they see on the internet are true facts. While reading the first  chapter  has help me realize that information is changing throught out time, we need to dig deeper to our sources and find out if our information is reliable or not.

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