Homework 9

For this homework I recreated jaws . It was a little bit hard but I was able to do it. To recreate it used my stuff people to do and I use my phone and didn’t use any light reflecting tool.

Homework #9 – Recreating

For this recreating assignment, I combine the look from the series Money Heist. The two aspect I combined were the outfit from one poster and the posture from another. I had a black background with a light source facing towards it to give the grey cloudy look. Another light source is the on the side on the subject and tried to get the triangle lighting on the face. Overall, I like the way the photo came out and would attempt to make it again.

Learning Log #10

This learning log is to take photos of one subject and show different aspects through collage. For this exercise, I decided to frame the subject based on a three by three grid. From top left corner to the bottom right corner, it shows the levels of lighting from light to dark. I also frame the subject from different view points from front, sides, top, and low views.

Homework #9

i tried tackling two different album covers, i felt my a portrait album cover would be easier to shoot, i was wrong, depending on how much space your working with and the type of lights you can use to light your subject shooting your subject with whats at hand becomes more challenging. I ended up creating two album covers because the first one felt to easy and didnt seem creative enough so thats why i tried to tackle the piano man album cover because it seemed like a much more fun challenge, what i like about both was that i could use something i learned with our star lord project

Homework #9

When choosing this photo I wanted to think about the props to use and the way to pose my model in a similar way I could since the artist Raphael drew just a straight line where the neck down is positioned. The lighting isn’t as bright on the face as I wanted but I do like how the photo came out to be.

Homework #9

I had fun doing this assignment. It was very interesting. For this assignment I recreated Ice Cube’s album cover, Kill at Will. It was released by Ice Cube on December 18, 1990. This is my cousin on the left by the way.

Homework #9

Queen – Queen II (1974)

I knew I wanted to recreate an album cover over an old painting because i resinate more with music so I put my saved songs on shuffle and this was the first album that came up that I thought the cover was doable with what I had at home.

Learn Log #10

With this learning log I loved the way we got to play with it a little differently than our normal stuff. I went over to an abandoned church a couple of blocks away from my house and thought it would be cool to photograph it for this. I broke up the building into sections in my head and shot the photos that way. I wasn’t too worried about getting exactly section by section because I think things in each photo overlapping make the collage more interesting.

Homework #9 Recreating


For my assignment, I decided to recreate the scream painting using my clothes from my closet and random stuff I had around my house. I was able to take a lot of pictures but I ended up choosing this one cause it was the closest I could get and I changed the expression on the hamburger to match the one on the painting on photoshop. I had a bit of fun trying to recreate a painting . However,  I did have some trouble  having to choose the painting I want to recreate since I knew my parents weren’t photogenic like me and It’s the only three of us right now


Homework #9 – Recreate a Photo/Painting

The picture that I chose to recreate is the Poor Lisa 1827 by Orest Kiprensky. I recreated some other ones famous too but I went with this one because it turned out nice and it usually not one of the art works people usually choose when recreating famous paintings. This was really fun.