Learning Log #1 – Jessica Marcovecchio


We’ve never been in any other part of the building besides the photography rooms and the cafe so we didn’t really know where to go. There were a lot of direct lights in the staircases so we played with those and managed to get a couple of shots we were happy with. I kept my aperture  at the lowest option my camera let me which was f4.0 and my shutter speed was at 1/125-1/160, and my ISO fell between 1600-6400 depending on where we were.

Homework 1

This image was taken b Kryzsztof Browko, His use of landscaping is what initially drew me in. I am really attracted to being able to catch great scenery. The natural monochromatic color scheme is one of the most vital and beneficial aspects to this photograph as well.

Learning Log 1-Sharif Tyler


The reason why I chose these 3 pictures is because of the lighting and my use of depth of field. When it comes to photography, I prefer to take pictures using depth of field. In order to get these pictures, I had to change the aperture, and the ISO. The light was brighter in person than the actual pictures. So I decided to change the ISO in order to get some cool effects. Out of these 3 pictures, my favorite has to be the first image with the chairs. With the second image, my intention was to put the camera in the box and take a picture to try some framing, but I was too short to reach it.

HW Assignment #1

I was drawn to this photo by Joey Lawrence because it exudes all what we think of when Robert Dinero crosses my mind. The raw, spunky, fierce, yet humbling personality he acquires. The framing of this image is Exceptional and dead on in setting serious tone. The subject matter is clear in which Robert Dinero’s face dominates the image. Also the figure to ground shows this compelling focus from the center of his face which is clear and has a strong focus compared to that of his collar and background which is blurred.

HW#1 Carlos Calvas

Michael muller
I’ve been following this photographer for a long time now, not for the Amazing portraits he takes, but for the underwater photographs, being a diver myself I really like his work, I picked this photograph because is simple but powerful.

Homework 1 Martin Varbko

I was drawn to the photography because its looks like something that i would want to take plus i like how the dark it is but most of the lighting is on her face . IT looks like a high fashion photography and i like how the background is blurred out but you can still see it , the main focus is on the subject and what she’s doing. I also say some of his work and i love all of them the way he uses like and shadow and black white is very great. you could see that he understands what he’s doing with a camera and he understand his subjects very well .

Janice Yuan

This photograph caught my attention because of the gold and white accent that made it look very elegant and pleasing to the eye. With the birds-eye view, it draws your eyes to the lady is in her white wedding dress laying down in the center of the circle. Which is the purpose of the picture to catches your attention.

Jean Carlos Pichardo Homework #1 – Photographer Blog Post

The photographer I chose is Alex Noriega for his landscape photography. This photo caught my attention by the amount of detail it shows. You can see the flow of the fog and water in the scenery by the use of long exposure. He also used the rule of third to show different “stories” in the photo, both horizontal and vertical. Just the overall view of the photo gives me excitement and wishing I can be there in person to witness this beauty.

Homework #1 – Forhad Sunny

Alex Noriega is a landscape photographer. As I was going through his work I noticed that his image gallaries are full of nature, which is really beautiful. His works are unique and it stands out from the rest of the photographers. The above image is one of my favorties because people are able to see the entire view just by looking at the image. He was able to capture the beauty of mother nature perfectly. The composition, lighting, resonant color, and timing of the photograph was great.


Homework #1 – Jessica Marcovecchio

Image result for joe mcnally work"

The photographer I decided to choose was Joe Mcnally. Looking through the photos on his website, there wasn’t a photo that didn’t catch my eye. I decided to choose this one to post because I love the way everything in this photo flows in one direction. The overall setting with the dark clouds and the green open field give the photograph a lot of emotion. Also, I could tell he used studio lighting outside. Usually when I shoot outside, I rely on the natural lighting so this is a technique i’d like to try in the future.