Monthly Archives: May 2020

Learning log #10

I opened the image on Photoshop and cropped the image a little bite. Then I start duplicating the background layer. For each duplicated layer I used the Rectangle Marquee tool to select the areas I want to duplicate into a masking layer.

Learning Log #10

For this week’s learning log, I decide to use my Nintendo switch lite as my model for my magazine cover. I couldn’t think of any magazine cover I could do but my boyfriend helps me think of one which was Game Informer. I used this flashlight for my lighting including my natural lighting from my room window. I did a little editing in light right cause I notice it was still a bit dark.

Learning Log #11

I decided to go out and take a full body shot for my magazine. First I used Lightroom, changed the color tone Then I took it into photoshop I put the “Vogue” behind her head. Then I used the Indesign, made it 8.5 x 11 and add all the text.

Learning log #10

what i really enjoyed about this learning log is learning about david hackney, his polaroid work is really fun but i think it all works best if there is some time of action in the scene so thats why i went for his other type of work which was a collage although i didnt use the polaroid which i know goes against his art style i think for my post i was able to create something both visually interesting and visually pleasing. im going to keep trying this type of medium because it makes you really think outside the box.

Learning Log 11

I used a photo we took from the class. I like this photo because I liked the high angle shot of this photo and the background was all white so it made the model pop with his black hoodie. His face was lit up perfectly as well. I feel like this is something similar to a magazine like “time” would go for.

learning log #10

I doing this assignment I felt like it was to tell more of a story and to emphasize it within a photo. So with just a car photo and a monkey, it will look simple and not much of an idea but with multiple photos, it created more of a depth and close up to the photo on what is going on.

Learning Log 11


During this exercise, I used a photo taken from class of me, That i directed in taking. I decided to use complex magazine as my base company, sue to the fact that complex doesn’t make any prints anymore, and They used to be my favorite magazines growing up, because they always had my favorite rappers as the covers, and I would rip off the covers and put them on the wall. I enjoyed this exercise a lot because one I actually had a decent picture of myself for once.

Learning log 11

I created a Car Magazine base on what I’ve taken recently. I look up some of the car magazines to see how they look at what they put on a front-page cover. I noticed that car magazines have text around cars because they want to prompt the car. So I decided to go for something simple and clean that way the viewers are focused on the car.