Week 1- Redesign, Redesign, Redesign. Will I get an internship now?

So this is the first class of Internship 4900. Throughout all my last semesters I worried about this class the most. I didn’t know how the class would work when it comes to actually finding an internship for this fall semester. I was especially freaking out due to the fact I applied for about eight internships throughout the entire summer before the semester. I received one decline and seven no responses, yes that was a big let down.

Here I am in class sitting down wondering if I will even find one and when do will I be the coffee girl or actually learn how to grow in this industry. I had mention to the professor about this summer of applications and she had told me redesign your resume and cover letter and ill take a look. That has a lot to do with even getting their attention. So I went ahead and on the train ride home I made thumbnails of different design approaches that can work for my resume and cover letter. I wasn’t fully confident in how I expressed myself in the cover letter due to never having my resume and cover letter reviewed before. The professor made it known to me that we actually have a center that can review your resume on the first floor of the Namm building. Prior to the professor this information was never told to me as I’m sure is the case for many other city tech students.

I went ahead and did all the redesigning for the resume and cover. I also looked through all my old design pieces and choose which are best for my portfolio.