Week 12 – Importance of Role Models, Mentors, & Networks

Today my class went over a third part in the Business Etiquette book. It focused on the career aspect of someone who just entered a workplace after graduation. According to the book, “Employees who move up usually have role models, mentors and networks in common.” People who they can count on and who they can learn from. The book gives the definition of each so we can really understand the difference and apply it to ourselves. 

I personally never thought about the difference between role models and mentors until this book. A role model is someone who inspires you because he or she proves that it is possible to achieve your goals and dreams. A role model although, does not take an active role in your career. you would learn from your role model by watching his or her actions, behavior, listening to their words, or reading about his or her accomplishments.

Mentors on the other hand take an active role in your career. They are there to provide specific career advice. You can also have more then one mentor which will help increase your career success. You can even build a relationship with someone you admire. Doing so will help develop a natural relationship which can later lead to a new mentor.

Professional network is a group of professionals who get together to support each other  while interacting with professionals in your field. Its a bit over whelming from personal experience but its the only way to make your self noticed and meet new and amazing people.