Week 8 – Magazine Work

During this week we finally got to the magazine work that Lisa and I previously spoke about.  Women’s Press Collective seasonal magazine Collective Endeavor. I got to work on this magazine on two different days, Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday, my task was to work with another intern and placed all sponsor advertisements throughout the entire magazine. I also rearranged some of the layouts of the pages due to some size issues and not being able to place sponsors on the last four pages of the magazine. Those were saved for two obituaries of past members who helped WPC for many years. One member, in particular, helped Sandy storm victims on coney island. With the help of WPC they donated food, medicine, baby supplies, and clothes to those who couldn’t make it far to the American Cross help centers. Especially to the elderly who were stuck on high floors of buildings where the elevators would not work due to no electricity because of the storm.

We had to fit all the sponsors while leaving enough space for the articles that were going to be placed. Those sponsors are really important. They are business cards or ads of some of the businesses that donate money to WPC. Remember my last post, they depend on donations to keep on running. These businesses also donated money to have their advertisement placed in the magazine, its another way of WPC helping them grow and they do for us. We also had to resize any sponsor designs that were made in the wrong size.

My second day working on the Magazine was fully focused on editing photos. Lisa stated she wanted me to be in charge of the photo process due to experience in photography. So I had to help guide other interns who didn’t understand how to make a certain edit in photoshop. I also help other interns figure out how Lisa wanted the photos to look. Not only converting the images to black and white but also resizing, making the resolution higher, making sure it’s in a proper format, checkings its numbers for how light or how dark a section can be, and working with a lot of shortcuts so we can get it done in a fast amount of time.