
Our body has been an issue to all of us and I think taking care our health is important because it can help us to be educated. Many parents argue about how games can bring a harm to their kids’ mental health. Video games develop kids’ mental health such as understand, learning, problem solving that can help them pass their subject with high grades.

“We ignore our Illness”
Speech by Justin Bartholomew

I am happy to speak to you today about why health is dangerous thing for our society. I believe students that include kids, teenagers and adults should focus on their health because having a good health can help student to stay educated. To be educated, we must improve our social health and prevent us from getting any disease. Having a health issue also cause us to pay on our health care that could give us a negative decision on how we be paying for our classes in college in the future.
Students will be able to focus better in class if they have no health issues. In “why you should take care of your body and health” Elizabeth Scott. MS argue that a health issue can bring harm to your everyday life. This tell us that health can really affect our happiness that can lead to a certain stress level. I have been seeing many students having a habit for being sleepy. That’s why is important for us humans to eat breakfast because it can build up our energy and help us to stay focus. Stress that include aches, sleepiness, having a cold or other health diseases could distract student from not going to school and from doing their homework or classwork. This prove that students today need to make a healthier habit to prevent any health issues or diseases.

We in a world that many of us be paying for our health and our children healthcare. Doing this low down our chances to get their degree. In “Our Food Is killing Too many of us” Dariuish Mozaffarian and Dan Glickman stated that “instead of debating who should pay for all this, and can we reverse this so we need less health care?” this information tells us that we shouldn’t rely on doctors to take care of us or telling us what to do to stay health. We must treat other self-healthy by improving other diet and exercise. Students been missing their school day from getting sick that could cause to miss out their assignment and their study sections. In “Getting sick in college: How to tech your child to couple on their own” Joanna Nesbit says that “ there is literature suggesting that college students who are immunized against flu miss fewer days of school those who don’t”, this indicate that many researcher find out that student who are healthy are able to get better grades than the ones who are that healthy. Students who have low grades lose their opportunity to use their finanaial aid that could affect you from losing some of their money.
Many of us doesn’t realize that the way we communicate can affect us on how we act. Social health can affect our personal control, mental health and physical health. For example, according to “Social Relationship and health: A Flashpoint for health policy” Debra Umberson and Jennifer Karas Montez stated that “social ties influence health behavior, in part, because they influence or control, our health habits,” having a self-control behavior can prevent student from smoking and from drinking too much alcohol. Students with good social health get their work done faster by communicating with their friends. For example, if a student need help in a certain subject the can text or talk to their friends from their cell phone. Good health behavior will allow us to communicate better.

Middle school through college, I been seeing many students failing their test grades because they haven’t fully recovered from of their illnesses. This make me feel that health can be a dangerous thing in life because it can stop us from doing many things such as going school, not being able finish our work and cause us to send our money for our health.

New York Times Opinion Article
Tittle: Video Games is Good for Our Brain
By: Justin Bartholomew

Many adults that include parents say that gamers have a lack of health that includes a lack of brain growth and have a bad eyesight. Parents shouldn’t talk about any negative comments about gamers because gamers that involve with kids or teenagers, can lead them to have a positive impact on their daily life that can help them to maintain focus, and it can improve their strategic thinking. Video games can help gamers to be more comfortable with using new technology.

Video games such as computer games or playing a game system can boost gamers strategies According to “Playing video games can Boost Fast thinking” Janice Wood stated that “ playing a fast paced strategy video games can help the brain to become more agile and improve strategic thinking”, doing something in a fast paste will allow people to think better and it help them to finish their work on time. For example, if a student is taking an English exam, reading in a fast paste can allow them to have more time and to think about multiple ideas to write down their thoughts. Wood also stated that “real time strategy games can promote our ability to think on the fly and learn from past mistakes” this indicate that having to speed up your thinking, learning from your our mistakes from developing your our strategy can help you to be more creative for problem solving in real life. For example, being a technology designer required a to make a lot of mistakes that can help them to form a better plain on how they can fix their problem. This information proves that parent shouldn’t argue about their kids about how video games stop them from doing their work that could cause them to have a lack of brain growth. Video games can get their kids to finish their work before their work is due that can lead them to look back to find any mistakes or add more detailed to their work that includes math or English.

Gamers were able to stay focus of their surroundings. In “Video Games Improve Vision, Study Says” Brian Handwerk says that “previous research gaming improves other visual skills, such as the ability to track several objects at the same time and paying attention to a series of fast-moving events”, having a good vision can help gamer to focus on multiple of object at ones. For example, having a good eyesight will allow the driver to find any traffic issues such as car accidents and traffic jams. Visual skill can help gamers in everyday life that include reading, writing and math. Many parents don’t realize that playing video can improve kids visual ability and it can develop their understanding, learning, and their memory.

Technology is now important to our society and I believe parents should try to play video with their kids. In “Curious Kids: why do adults think video games are bad?” Joanne Oriando stated that many adults think that spending more time with animated characters is unhealthy and “they know it’s important for kids to spend more time with real people and learn good social skills”. Playing video games doesn’t make them unhealthy, it helps them communicate better with people who play similar games. Joanne also says that adults are not sure that children are getting any learning experience from playing video games. Playing video games such as puzzle games can help kids to can higher grades in math, sciences, reading and other subjects. Play video games is fun and it can be one of best ways to improve our mental health.

Oriando Joanne “Curious Kids: Why do adults think video games are bad?”

Scott Elizabeth “why you should take care of your body and health”

Mozaffarian Dariuish “Our Food Is killing Too many of us”

Nesbit Joanna “Getting sick in college: How to tech your child to couple on their own”

Umberson Debra “Social Relationship and health: A Flashpoint for health policy”

Handwerk Brian “Video Games Improve Vision, Study Says”

“Playing video games can Boost Fast thinking” Janice Wood stated that “

reflection annotated bibliography

All my sources share some similarities of how they can catch the audience’s attention and how we should use our technology in our society. One of my sources was about how we use technology as a negative way in our daily lives. Charita Goshay talk about students that include teens or kids are being distracted by using their cellphones for doing their work in class. Goshay trying to tell the readers that we should focus more of our work than using our phones or play video games. The rest of my sources talk about technology in a good way and they also share potential experience of how designer can develop better technology that can improve our society. For example, these sources “Op-Ed Education for an Age of the technology”, and “Technology broadens Approach to Healthcare in Trenton”, talk about how developing new system can make our lives much easier such as making new medicine to people with their illness and the satellite that can tell us what the weather is going to be like. All my sources share formal tone to explain their argument and some of them have more than one tone that includes, joyful tone, serious tone and optimistic tone. What I learn from my topic is that all these authors (Roba Abbas, Albert Lee, Charita Goshary, Wm. A Wulf, Alice Grossman and Natalie Terens) wanted the readers to understand that we can gain knowledge if we use technology as a advantage that can help us to move on in life such getting our education, making new medicine and finishing our work on time that involved with homework or doing our jobs. One thing that I still like to learn is that how designers come up new improve system that can still help our society today.

What I learned from doing this assignment is that annotating can help me to look back what each paragraph from the reading is about and it allow me to find what the author’s argument is. Annotating is a good strategy to use to remember and to get a clear image what is the reading is about. I believe that reading op-ed is one of the best genres to write about an argument because I learned that op-ed is a newspaper, or an article were writers share their opinion to explain their important issues or agreement of what their argument is about. I think my strengths as a writer is that I able to create example to explain the author’s agreements. For example, going back to Goshay agreement that students are addicted to technology, many kids like to play their video games or using their phones because many kids are more interesting being online than getting an education. I need to work on is my imagination because when I read, most of the time, no ideas come to my mind. I believe I need to read more in depth because reading in depth can help me what the character and author is feeling or thinking.

Annotated Bibliographies

Abbas Roba. (Editorial & Opinion) “From Good ideas to Practical Solution”, September 20th, 2018,

In “From Good ideas to Practical Solution” Roba Abbas agrees that good designers should develop their skills to solve technology solution. Abbas writes that “negative or undesired solution needs to be recognized and celebrated”, indicating that is important to find any issues within the system. Identifying any negative solution can be solved that can led to make better improvement. Though to Roba (op-ed), she indicates that “ dangers associated with secondary uses of robotic systems, which we perceive as issue that requires attention early in the design” this tell us that designers need to set up their celebration before they start to design their system. Even though people have educated their self to be a design, is still important to have a high-level math skill to find any issues before building a new system. Though to her argument she tries to tell designers that this generation, it hard to develop new technology that is better than what we have today. Therefore, she uses a formal voice to explain the designer why is important to develop our “technological ideas” to solve solution. Her decision is to include to the designers that if they want to develop better technology, they need to improve their skills such as math or problem solving that’s involve with solving solution. Based on her information, it seems like she is working on is to persuade her audiences that include with the designers that having to solve solution can led them to develop better technology. This publish in technology and society which is opinion editorial in September 20,2018.

Lee Albert. “DIY ethos the Maker movement” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, Nov. 12, 1997,

In “DIY ethos fuels the Maker movement” Albert lee states that what is being a part of technology maker means to them. He explains his idea by saying that “makers are part of a community believes in open source culture of helping each other with projects” (paragraph 7). For example, electrical engineers develop new systems that can help scientific to calculate the weather. This indicates that designers help the community by helping other subject to improve our society. Lee also mentions that makers use “object like PVC piping into motion controllers for their video games” (paragraph 3). This evidence shows that designers like to use everyday things to make something new that can come in handy for in the future such as making a watch or a robot. In paragraph 1, lee explain “Makers Movement” by indicating that creators learn better by doing it by their self. Based on his information, he persuades to the audiences that are the creators. Lee uses a joyful tone that includes action or a feel of joy by explain how makers like to design things that can be useful in everyday life. This (op-ed) appear in Los Angeles Times, Nov. 12, 1997.

Goshay Charita. “Op-ed: We’re all addicted to technology” Burlington Country Times, Burlington Country Times posted Aug 25, 2019,

In “We’re all addicted to technology” Charita Goshay argues that many of us are being distracted by technology. Goshay writes that “five-years-old don’t work, so where are they getting cell phones, video games and iPads”, this shows that to many young people spend too much time our internet that they for to do their homework. This information tells us that this new generation stop student from doing their work such as homework or classwork. Goshay explain that prohibiting cellphones in the classroom is like “cats and mouse” that adults is trying to catch the student for using their cellphones. He also believes that “banning phones during school can only be a healthy thing”. By employing this information, he tries to argue that students should focus more on getting their education than the things that doesn’t related to their classwork. Goshay also explain why adults also can get addicted to technology. Parents use their cellphone to commutcate their kids to keep track what they are doing in school. Based on Goshay argument, he uses a serious tone includes a strong voice to the students. This seem like he is working to persuade his audience that includes the young people, to spend more time on their work for school than technology such as video games, iPads or cellphones. This opinion editorial appears in Burlington Country Times posted Aug 25, 2019.

Wulf Wm. A. “Education for an Age of Technology (op-ed), National Academy Op-ed Service, June 26, 1998,

In Wm. A Wulf (op-ed) “Education of Age of Technology” Wulf believe that we live in an area that technology is now important to our society. Wulf agrees that “scientific and mathematical literacy are seen as important educational objective in the United States”, without math or science we wouldn’t be able to develop any technology (paragraph 5). Without math or science, we wouldn’t able to do our jobs that includes being a dentist or doing construction. He writes that “the Earth circles the sun in one year is part of the body of knowledge”, based on his argument, this evidence shows us that without science we wouldn’t know what is going on in space (paragraph 9). For example, scientific uses the satellites to help astronaut to estimate the outside from the earth such as the moon, the sun, the stars or other planets. Through to his (op-ed), he trying to persuade his audiences that involve with the scientific and the people who use technology for their everyday lives. He uses a formal tone that includes a long-range voice to explain why is important to use technology. He tries to explain his argument that using technology help us to be educated and make our lives mush easier. Going back to the information were he mention that science and math seem to be an “important educational objective” he stating that without these subjects our society would be health. This op-ed appears in National Academy Op-ed Service, June 26, 1998.

Grossman Alice. “Op-Ed Communication the Role of technology in Transportation” Enotrans, September 20, 2018,

In “Better communicating the Role of Technology in Transportation” Alice Grossman argues that transportation networks need to be improve that includes safety and congestion. He explains that technology is important role for transportation system. Grossman writes that “federal transportation policy is not to build for sake of building or advance technology” this indicating that the purpose to build good technology is to help to improve safety. Useful tools can provide better focus to solve congestions. Grossman states that our technology be missing the opportunity to communicate “with decision- makers and their offices”. This show that our technology can’t handle far away networks so that a group of transportation professionals can better make safety decision. Today people still got issues with their cellphone “tracking travel” such as the late nesses of trains and buses. Though to his information, he is working on to persuade the audiences that include with transportation professional that we need to develop better technology to prevent congestion and improve safety travels. He uses an optimistic tone so that later in the future we should see better improvement for our safety a prevent congestion. This op-ed appears Enotrans, September 20, 2018.

Terens Natalie. “Op-Ed: New Technology Broadens Approach to Healthcare in Trenton”, NJSPTLIGHT, September 5, 2019,

In Natalie Terens “New Technology Broadens Approach to Healthcare in Trenton” Terens believe that new technology can help people with their economic and social conditions. Terens explains his argument by indicating that we now for the system to provide social needs. Terens writes that “NowPow can be used to alone, or integrated with our Health Information Exchange”, this healthcare company system can communicate people to help to get well and send medicine to care for diseases (paragraph 7). Having a company that provide a system to communicate with others makes it easier for people who not feeling well to go to the doctor. Natalie also mention that NowPow have a tool to help people to access to “housing transportation, food insecurity and other social needs” (paragraph 12). Having to provide better tools to healthcare professionals can build up better healthy food and medicine. Based on Terens information, patients can now live a longer healthy though to their new technology. Terens makes an argument with formal voice to the people who are going to die. This seems like he tries to persuade his audience that are the patients. This op-ed appears in NJSPTLIGHT, September 5, 2019.

rhetorical analysis opinon editorial

I been seeing many people getting sick by buying junk causing them to send money for buying different kind of medicine. In the task “Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us”, the authors, Dariush Mozaffarian and Dan Glickman had agreed that Americans should improve their nutrition so that we don’t pay to much on our health care. They explain that we should reduce the cost of our health care by changing the price of our actions. They also argue that that Americans are getting sick by eating unhealthy food.

unit 1 literacy narrative

Unit 1 literacy narrative

E1101 Justin Bartholomew

The Importance of Learning English
In elementary school, I never like to read or write. Few years later, I gain knowledge by learning something new from reading a newspaper article or from reading the author’s stores. Writing allow me to take more time to put in my thoughts so that I can communicate better. I learned that reading and writing is one of the most important ways to develop my learning experience because it develops my communication skills, it can help me to get my education, and it allow me to build up my ideas.
I believe that reading and writing can improve my communication. When I read, I feel more confidence of English language. Reading also build up my vocabulary that allows me to speak English with different words. When I get comfortable of speaking, most of the time my teachers can understanding what I am saying. When even I talking to someone one on one, I always think about what sentence I will say before I speak. As I keep reading it will increase my vocabulary and I will feel more comfortable while I am speaking. Writing is a way to help me to form my sentences to my grammar.
Reading and writing is one of the best ways for getting an education. During in elementary school, I wasn’t good at reading or writing. My teacher told me that I was better at writing than reading because I had good ideas to write down my example for each paragraph. In high school, when I heard students that they had something to study for in college, it took me a while to figure out what I want to study for in college. That’s when I realize that reading and writing is important because in college to get to the classes that I want to study for, I need to pass classes that involved with reading and writing such as English and social studies.
Developing our thoughts by reading or writing will allow us to improve our argument in the real world. I remember in high school, I had a lot of information about writing an argument essay that was about smoking in parks should be illegal from reading “Whatever the Science Shows, Banning Smoking in Parks Makes Sense” by James Colgrove. Based on the argument, I agree with the author and I had supported my reasons by explaining how smoking can cause a health risk and nonsmokers will get effected by smokers for being around public spaces. Reading this text make me think back at the time when I had been seeing many people be smoking near by parks and beaches people didn’t have a chose but to inhale the cigarette smoke.
I believe reading or writing is important in our daily lives because it guide us to get an educated job and develop our relationships. Writing stories or an argument is also one of the best ways to communicate with others. Writing gives me more time to focus to write down more of my thoughts, when I read, it allows me the ability to learn more information to develop my communication such having the ability to talk to one of my classmates. Learning English can help us to reach our goal such as finishing our classes.