Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Tag: WEEK 4 (Page 3 of 6)

Week 4 Reading

Do you currently have any pets? Did you have any during your childhood?

I currently have two pets named Thomas, a two-year-old guinea pig, and Grislly, a four-year-old Japanese dog (Shiba Inu). I adore both of them but personally I take care of Thomas.

Do you have any memories that stick out about these pets?

I received it for Thomas as a birthday present as I always wanted it as a child but couldn’t have it.

What does your pet mean to you?

Thomas means for me a lot of peace and joy to me because he transmits tenderness, he is very soft and lovely what I like about him is that when I go to pet him, he purrs. He is happy, funny and playful, his worst nightmare is bath time because he bites me. I think one way to capture Thomas would be when he’s sleeping or just lying on his ramp because he’s calm, and I know he won’t get upset.

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