I use my sketchbook for mainly sketching. It can be either classwork or homework, sometimes I even use it to draw for fun and practice/experiments. I don’t often do digital drawing so I don’t carry a device around with me but I have been trying to do most of my work digitally recently as it is easier. Since I’m not very used to drawing digitally I use my sketchbook for most of my work and try to keep some markers and pencils with me when I’m in my classes or outside. I prefer using my notebook for doodles and other personal drawings that are not class related. I do a lot of painting as well but these don’t go into my sketchbook, I have used watercolors and acrylic colors for most of my paintings, and it’s done on canvas and watercolor papers. For character design and anime/cartoon drawings I mostly use pencil colors and markers these sometimes go on my sketchbook. I have done most of my life drawings and figure drawings on a separate single sheet of paper for my previous classes.