
Something from my own interests that appears in my art pretty often is the concept of nature. I like to involve flowers, light, trees and other parts of nature into my work. Bringing together all life. I would bring together my favorite meals, meditations/yoga, play my favorite songs and draw portraits of people who inspire me.


Both places where I was born and where I currently live are completely different environments. I live in the suburbs of Long Island where the blue and red birds are always seen and sometimes small rabbits hop into the backyard. I was born in the ghettos of Brooklyn. Where the streets are filled with litter, but the trees grow tall and the warm sun still shines on the red brick buildings, all well the seagulls laugh in the morning as an early alarm. 

The place where I was born does influence my art now more than ever because of the way the environment never seemed to change. Although there are new buildings, plants, trees, and people’s fashion, the poverty of it all never changed. My neighborhood humbles me.


Personally, I can relate to the illustrator in a sense that my dyslexia also influences my art. It’s the reason why I began drawing. Before even knowing what dyslexia was, it was a visual form of communicating how I felt. Or how I wanted to feel. And where I wanted to be. Now, I also find that my art is influenced by where I am.