Story: There are depths unknown to us. Suffocated of its gleaming blue light, the ocean now an ebony veil. A bastard with no name lurks unopposed. It is always unfortunate to hear of those missing out at sea, however. Alyona’s perilous journey is not one of those tales.
- I believe the shapes in the picture to be organic. The is no clear foreground nor background due to the 50/50 ratio between the positive and negative spaces, leading me to think that the picture is ambiguous.
Story: The enemy never slept. We tucked in our loved ones while they loomed over our shoulders. In wisps of wind, we swore we heard nothing. Now they are at our steps, waiting.
- No shape in this picture is geometric but organic. The leaf easily represents the foreground. However, I can not say that the picture is obvious because it lacks the 30/70 split. I will fix the ratio in the future.