JiaMin Li’s Market Essay

Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket

One of my favorite memories from my childhood is when I was spending my vacation at my dad’s farm in Canton, China. He used to grow lots of delicious vegetables and fruits in his farm. Before dinnertime, I would go get my favorite vegetable, which is tomato from the field for dinner. I never realized that those tomatoes had the greatest taste until I came to America. Tomatoes in New York City are big, and watery. However, the tomatoes in the greenmarket that is located in Grand Army Plaza looks ugly and expensive but people still buy them. So, I bought three of them to give them a try. The night that I brought it to my mom to cook it, it had became the best tomatoes I’ve ever tasted since I came to New York. It brought me back to my childhood and it reminded me of the tomatoes that I had tasted in my dad’s farm.

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