Chapter 1, pp 3-23 (due 2/4)

41 Responses to Chapter 1, pp 3-23 (due 2/4)

  1. Liz says:

    Ligia Cardenas
    Chapter 1 summary
    January 29, 15

    Based on what I read I can say that I feel that I am finally on the right track. I always wonder what is hospitality management and if this would truly help me accomplish my academic goal. Hospitality is more than just a career! Hospitality management it all depends on the high quality of service we can provide to customers. In other words the customers happiness is in our hands. Business depends on the wow factor! In which means that we most do the extra to make customers feel loved. I now understand that the pineapple is more than just a delicious fruit. In the hospitality industry it has became a symbol of royalty and elite.
    I learned that total quality management is a continuous process that works best when managers are good leaders. In my personal opinion I think that good leaders are very important in any industry. In the hospitality management they are the ones that who motivate and keep a team together. That is what I learned from reading this first chapter.

  2. SaarrahRahim says:

    Hospitality dates back as far as Ancient Times, where through the Sumerians inventions of money, writing, producing beer, and making tools led to taverns opening up. Taverns have dated back as far as the 1600’s. Over the centuries hospitality and management blossomed into many fields. The inventions of coffeehouses, restaurants, motels, and fast food helped the hospitality industry to continuously expand. Hospitality employees get to experience a moment of truth with customers, through restaurants and hotel businesses where they create lasting impressions and experiences for the customers.

  3. Chapter 1 has taught me a lot of interesting things. “Hospice” is a French word with a meaning of providing care for travelers and that’s where word “Hospitality” was born. Also the Pineapple tradition was something new for me to learn. Pineapple is a symbol of welcome, friendship and hospitality and it was brought from the West Indies.
    When I read about the Code of Hammurabi I was surprised that Taverians had a death penalty for wasting beer. This chapter has a lot of information how about French revolution and culinary, Summarians, Romans & Tavern. It had information about coffee houses that are still open till todays day. One of them is CafĂŠ Florian on the Piazza San Marco which is located in Venezia, Italy. This chapter made me want to explore more and see what else is out there that I can study and one day work on something of my own.

  4. As a welcoming to the hospitality industry, this chapter introduced us to the beginnings of the hospitality and its evolution thru the centuries. It does not matter the type of services that were provided in taverns or coffee houses, by the Greek and Romans or in the medieval times because they all have one thing in common. All of them accomplished the meaning of Hospitality: to give care to travelers and/or customers. All of these were places used for relaxation, the enjoyment of company and services. In the nineteenth century, thanks to chefs such as Antoine Careme and Auguste Escoffier, the foodservice industry as we know it nowadays, started forming its roots and giving shape to some structures in the kitchen lineage such as the brigade system and the first a la carte menu, which was the beginning of restaurants. Thanks to the French revolution in the twentieth century, diverse recipes and fusion cuisine have its origins after the immigration of the French chefs to places like New Orleans. While there, they incorporated the French recipes into British cuisine.
    Today, the hospitality and tourism industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. The industry provides room for everyone that shows the ability to work hard, have fun while doing it, has a dedicated spirit and passion for service and is able to create a memorable experience for others. We are living in the age of service, so it is upon us, thru the guidance of this chapter and the others to come to develop the knowledge, the skills and the right attitude to provide an outstanding service and fulfill the industry needs.
    Marjorie Silva.

  5. Reading through the PowerPoint slides there was a lot of information that was given. I took in things about the Summarians, Code of Hammurabi, the French Revolution, the Hospitality Industry and so much more. The Summarians were responsible for inventing money and also created pottery. Taverns provided a place for people to relax and enjoy one another’s company and coffee houses were the social centers of their day. These places are kind of what we would consider a bar or a lounge. The Code of Hammurabi was one of the first written documents imposing punishments for plotting crimes in Taverns. Hotels, motels, fast food restaurants and coffee shops rapidly developed after World War II.

    I also came to understand many things about the French Revolution. Over the years, the French Revolution changed the course of culinary history as nearly all French chefs worked for the nobility. So as the nobility lost their titles and properties that caused the chefs to also lose their jobs. Many of the chefs immigrated to the New World where they introduced sauces and other dishes.

    There are some things I learned about the hospitality industry. In 1980’s hospitality, travel and tourism expanded as baby boomers influenced the industry through their buying power. Before reading these slides I did not know that the pineapple is a symbol of welcome, friendship and hospitality. It is also the favored fruit or royalty and the elite. In this industry there are two types of customers. External customers are people who are willing to pay for the company’s services but an internal customer is someone who benefits the outcome of work done by others in the company. There is also a process called Total Quality Management (TQM), which focuses on preventing errors and encourages employees to work as a group to meet the needs off the guests. Hospitality and tourism is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. There are a lot of opportunities that stem from this career choice so we should take advantage.

  6. The French term “hospice” is where the word hospitality comes from. Hospice means “to provide care/shelter for travelers.” The idea of a business lunch was first invented by a Roman tavern owner in 40 B.C.E. During the French Revolution, many French chefs immigrated to the New World because of the loss of jobs. They introduced their sauces and other dishes to New Orleans. A pineapple can be used to symbolize welcome, friendships, and hospitality. Our main focus should always be our guest and making them happy.

  7. There are many interesting facts to take away from this first chapter. Starting from early ages, an early civilization called Sumerians created invented beer, money, writing and created pottery. They were also the first ones to create Taverns, which would later be expanded to Europe, China and India. Also, the first business lunch was the idea of a Roman tavern owner. There were also “ordinary” taverns where a fixed price meal would be served in the 16th century. Moreover, it’s stated that the chefs that were in France had to move to the New World because of the French revolution that left them with no jobs. Once in the New World, the French replaced the primitive cooking of the British with their flavorful dishes. This chapter also mentions a book named “La Cuisine Classique” by Antoine Careme, which is a great cookbook that lead to ‘A la carte menu’. This term is basically the regular menu that restaurants operate with in modern days.

    It’s also really surprising that New York City has 35 restaurants that have been opened for 100 years or more. Furthermore, the meaning of the pineapple in hospitality is pretty cool. I was wondering why the power point has a pineapple at the beginning and now I know why. The pineapple is a symbol of welcome, friendship and hospitality. Also, a good style of management in this field is crucial because it will increase productivity and increase guest and employee satisfaction. Good management is the type that is adaptable to change. Last but not least, there are two types of management styles one is Total Quality Management and the other is Quality Control. The Quality Control will only focus in detecting errors, meanwhile TQM prevents errors. This is essential because a good management impacts everyone, such as employees and customers.

  8. a.montano says:

    This chapter provided information from centuries ago to what we see on a daily basis. The smallest details were new to me, like the pineapple being a globalized symbol for hospitality and that it also represents friendship. I like how it talks about the things that we don’t notice as far as the business. It’s all about the people who come to you and you basically have to try your best to make them feel comfortable. Reading this makes me want to pay close attention to every detail while being in a restaurant or any food facility.

  9. Hospitality meaning providing care or shelter for travelers. In this chapter I’ve learned little bit more then what I already knew what hospitality was all about. In Ancient times where Sumerians after becoming excellent farmers begin activities such as writing, producing beer & etc. The Code of Hammurabi was a nice fact as well, first written documents imposing penalties. On the culinary flip side the French revolution changed the game! With chef losing jobs they immigrated to the new world introducing desirable& favorable dishes. In times of the Ancient times, French revolution, & New World Hotel and Resturantuant have really transformed into a big industry business for travelers and workers.
    Now in a new era employees have the ability to affect human experience. Having read a bit on this chapter I can’t wait to read more about the industry.

  10. Based on chapter 1, there have so many things about hospitality industry. The summary cover the charactertistics of the hospitality industry, corporate philiosophy, the service become such an important facet, and success in service. The word hospitality comes from the French term hospice, and it meaning “to provide cares/ shelter for travels.” The hospitality industry is open 365 days 24 hours a day. Also the hospitality industry depends heavily on shift work and sometimes hours extend beyond the normal work day. In addition, corporate philosophy embraces the values of the organization, including ethics, morals,fairness, and equality. Moreover, the success in service: A guest is someone who receives or benefits from the output of someone’s work. The ways to improve service of the hospitality industry: 1. Focus on the guest.
    2. Understand the role of the guest-contact employee. 3. Weave a service culture into education and training systems. 4. Emphasize high-touch instead of just high-tech.
    5. Thrive on change.

  11. MRamirez says:

    Hospitality comes from the french word Hospice, meaning to provide care/shelter for travelers. I was also very glad to see that the Pineapple is the symbol for hospitality, that is my favorite fruit so its kind of sweet (and tart I guess). Highlighted in the chapter was the utter importance of the guests, Every job I have had held customer service as vital. Realizing the difference between external customer satisfaction (measuring a companies success since it involves people who are willing to pay for a companies service), and Internal customers (The people inside the company who benefit from the output of work done by others in the company) was important.
    The bottom line is that we should primarily focus on the customer, this is how we are able to thrive, from a positive experience that every guest should have.

  12. Chapter 1 Summary
    It was very interesting for me to read about the history of the hospitality business. I would have never thought that the industry would date back as far as 1700 B.C. It’s even more unbelievable that Caffé Florian has been around since 1720, and is still operating today. It’s great that thirty-five NYC restaurants have been able to celebrate their 100-year anniversaries, but Caffé Florian is about to celebrate 300 years. The café is older than the USA…
    Another portion of the chapter that really hit home with me was about passion being in the service element and the “WOW factor”. Working in the field now, I can definitely feel that passion about good service. Making every single customer’s experience as fun and memorable as possible is what it’s all about. Every “moment of truth” is the most important part of the job. Through these successful moments of service, we build loyalty with our customers, and loyal customers help to create sustainability in a business. In the service industry the customer is always the main priority.
    With total quality management, and good managers that thrive on change and embrace the values of the organization, any business should be able to thrive. Oh, and the Code of Hammurabi imposing the death penalty on those who water down liquors and beers wasn’t such a terrible idea.

  13. Chapter 1 shows that hospitality industry exist in our society since Anicient times.
    The hospitality industry is much broader than most other industries . Open 365 days ,24hours per day.

    The most intresting thing I found in chapter 1 is that word “hospitality” comes from French
    language .and the meaning is “to provide care for travelers”/ What is more ,pineapple is a symbol of hospitality, friendship and welcome.

    Chapter 1 accurately  describes characteristics of this huge hospitality industry. It give us
    a lot of useful information about success in services .I think this is very important .

    This chapter help me a lot. I understand what hospitality exaclty mean . Now ,when I know the basics I want to learn more about it.

  14. V.Reid says:

    Based on what I read in chapter 1 I gained a little history on the hospitality industry. There are a few points that stood out to me and that I found interesting like the second president of the United States John Adams owned a tavern from 1783 until 1789.I also read that there was a rapid development of hotels, fast food, and coffee shops after the World War 2. What also stood out to me was after 9/11 the economic recovery proved very strong as hospitality businesses expanded in North America and abroad. I read about the TQM and Qc are not the same. Lastly that pineapples has a romantic heritage as a symbol of welcome, friendship, and hospitality which is now globally known as a symbol of hospitality that is something I never knew while always seeing the pineapple and wondering why it was there I never questioned it.

  15. vivian says:

    Base on what I read in chapter 1, this chapter is about introducing of hospitality. It provided lots information about the industry in hospitality. I learned that the word Hospitality comes from French term Hospice, meaning to provide care/shelter to travelers. Also, the symbols of hospitality is pineapples, pineapples is a sign of friendliness, warmth, cheer. Hospitality management is all depends on the good quality that we service customers. Which means that customer’s happiness is on our hand. I also know that the hospitality and tourism industry is the largest and fastest-growing industry in the world. The industry relies heavily on shift work and sometimes hours extends beyond the normal work day. For all the information that I had read, it is really surprise me, I doesn’t know that the symbols of hospitality is pineapples and all the industry brings to more attention to hospitality.

  16. The word Hospitality originated in France and was pronounced Hospice. Being hospitable mean to provide shelter for travelers. The Sumerians were successful at farming but then branched out into making taverns for their towns. The Code of Hammurabi supported the taverns and had penalties with anyone that interfered with them. Europe started to become popular as throughout time more establishments were catering to the people and given them a place to sleep, eat , drink and have a good time. These ideas were brought to the US and John Adams, our second president even took in on the action in having his own tavern.
    After the French Revolution the chefs that were so noble had to immigrate to thre New World and most settled in New Orleans. Some famous chefs that came along were Antoine Careme and Auguste Escoffier. Antoine brought idea of a la carte menus as Auguste created the brigade system in the kitchen. Their accomplishments were celebrated at 35 NYC restaurants for their 100th anniversary.
    After WW2 there were rapid developments of hotels, fastfood chains, coffee shops etc. The 1980s baby boomers saw hospitality expand through rthe industries buying powers. After 9/11/01 the business s remained strong and expanded all across North America and further.
    Hospitality is a fun, friendly, opportunist field to be in. As future leaders we need to make sure we create memories for customers. All guests rely on us to make sure we give them everything they need and more. Positive attitudes and passion is what can make this job just as enjoyable as it seems to be.The pineapple is the symbol of hospitality. It makes sense because its so delicious and enjoyable. It is also the fruit of royalty.
    The hospitality and tourism industry is the fast growing business in the world. It provides many different fields of work. Hotels, restaurants, managed services are all places where people can enjoy themselves and be treated hospitable. The industry is open 365 days 24/7. It is a heavy workload and can be a little overwhelming. There are many different aspects that go into running a successful business and having a good solid team of outgoing people will help accomplish these goals.

  17. Perryn G. says:

    Hospitality management started in ancient times with taverns where locals went to relax and enjoy the company of others. The Code of Hammurabi was the first written “rules” for taverns. Penalties were given for crimes in taverns, even going a far as the death penalties for watering down beer. During medieval times Charlemagne, the king who united most of Western Europe during the middle ages established rest houses for pilgrims, which could possibly be considered hotels in today’s times. Today hospitality still blooms and expands into different industries such as managed service, hotel business, and restaurant business.

  18. It’s interesting that although I have taken French for two years I never really questioned the word “hospice”. I knew the Code of Hammurabi followed the “eye for an eye” rule. However I did not imagine that this rule also affected those who decided to water down beer! I learned that pineapples although a delicious and sweet fruit – it is also very symbolic to the hospitality field. I think as a future entrepreneur I want to focus on these many important key points that are considered “the moment of truth”. I want to provide excellent service from the minute the customer walks in. I was taught as a hostess to smile through the phone. And it’s amazing how important this simple action through the phone is. Something simple as providing a welcoming greeting can help a customer consider another future visit.

  19. germina leonce says:

    Chapter 1
    In chapter one I learned that Hospice, is a French word that hospitality came from. It means to provide care and shelter for travelers. I believe that hospitality is not only to travelers but too people in general. Hospitality dates all the way back to ancient times. I think it started with the Taverns. They provided a place where people can enjoy each other’s company and relax. This seems to me that they were well on their way to building hotels. The Romans and Greece have a great influence on our culture today. They were the first to come up with the idea of a business lunch who would have known this is dated back to 40 B.C.E. With every business there are laws and rules that everyone must follow. They followed the written laws of The Code of Hammurabi and they gave the death penalty to any business serving watered down beer. I know we all must have discipline in any business but I think they took it way to far by killing people, that’s a harsh punishment just for watered down beer. By the medieval times hotels were well established by Charlemagne around the 8th century. But they were not call hotels at that time. They were actually called the rest house or post house. It was originally for the pilgrims and taverns. By late 16th century restaurants were built but they weren’t considered restaurants they were called Ordinary. Taverns serviced their travelers and fixed their customers meals they had to pay for. By the 17th century a coffee house was a social center to everyone just like what Starbucks is to all Americans today. During the 19th century all the great chefs were making cook books and writing their recipes down around that time I’m sure people were looking to buying their recipes, this was the beginning of la carte menu. After the World War 2 there was a fast development of hotels, motels, different kinds of fast food and coffee shops.
    Over the years businesses try to give their guest the best memorable experience so they could guarantee their customers come back and also tell their friends about the great service they experienced. I always loved eating pineapples but I never knew it was a romantic heritage that all symbols wealth, it used to welcome people a sign of friendship and hospitality. In any business the hardest part for managers is to meet the needs and wants of both the guest the clients and the staff. In the hospitality industry I believe the associates are just as important as the guest. As a manager you have to make sure you’re a good team leader and make sure your team knows what they’re doing. The managers also have to make sure the employees have the resources and information they need to do their job the best they can. If the associates are doing their job and keeping the guest happy the business should be fine it was increase the productivity and get more clients. A business is only as good as its workers. Every time a customer comes into your establishment it’s our job to make sure, that customers has a great first experience. If they have a great experience they will tell their friends about the great service and come back, that would mean more business and happy customers.

  20. J Mitchell says:

    In the first chapter, I learned that the definition of Hospitality means to provide care and shelter for travelers. It comes from the French word “Hospice.” In ancient times, the Summarians invented money and produced beer. Places to relax known as “taverns,” and “Inn’s” began rising up in Europe, China, Egypt and India. In Greece, the first “business lunch” came to be by a Roman tavern owner. In the 17th century, coffee houses sprang up all over Europe, and this was a place that people socialized in. In the 1600’s, restaurants were called “ordinaries.” Today Frauncis Tavern is still in operation. This is where George Washington had his Revolutionary headquarters. The French immigrated to New Orleans where they invented sauces and food that had flavors from both worlds. The A La Carte menu came from Antoine Careme’s “La Cuisine Classique” cookbook. In the 20th century, hospitality boomed with developments from hotels, fast food, and coffee shops. A fact that I never knew about hospitality was that a pineapple was the global symbol for the industry. Hospitality is the biggest, fastest growing industry in the world operating 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. As future leaders of the industry, we create guest truths, memories, and experiences, so it is critical we have the element of passion, because guests “buy loyalty with service.”

  21. In chapter 1 what I found interesting through out the reading was finding out that the word hospitality comes from the French language which is the meaning to provide service and shelter for travelers. What I also found interesting was the career path where you can expand and become better in the hospitality industry from starting off to a supervisor with a bachelor degree to a senior executive in a company. What I didn’t know that I also learn from the reading was the pineapple tradition which is a symbol of welcome , friendship and hospitality and that it is now recognize globally being a symbol for hotel and business. This chapter on the introduction to hospitality was very useful and interesting to learn about these brilliant things that can always help you in your career in the hospitality industry.

  22. Hi Everyone,

    I am 18 years old. I was born in Mexico City, but I have lived half and half of my life here in the United States and Mexico. I graduated high school in June 2014 from The Young Women’s Leadership School of Astoria, which is an all women school. I am planning to obtain my bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management here in City Tech.

    My father has a Mexican restaurant and a food marketing company. Therefore, I have worked with him in both businesses since I was 14 years old. I used to be his assistant in the marketing company by filing invoices and monthly statements from the restaurants he sells to every week, I used to check what the expenses were being made by the company and many other things. In the restaurant I was a waitress and cashier. I then stopped working with him for a while and decided to work somewhere else to obtain different experiences. Now I have been a hostess in an American restaurant for seven months. My long term goals are to have experience as an event planner, restaurant manager and eventually open my own restaurant.

    When it comes to providing customer service, I enjoy it very much. Therefore I am very patient with other people and this helps me efficiently when dealing with demanding customers. I also like to be organized and this helps me keep focus on accomplishing a task correctly. Moreover, having the experience as a hostess has helped me in my decision making skills whenever there is a difficult situation. Also, I am a very open minded and curious person, therefore this makes me want to explore new ways of doing things and cooperate with other people’s ideas. Not to forget that I also enjoy making people happy and this motivates me to provide the best customer service possible.

  23. Daniel Lopez says:

    Our forefathers would be turning in their graves, just thinking of how the fastest and largest industry (hospitality and tourism) has evolved. To think that by simply suppling the demand; such as food, coffee, tea, and even alcohol and a place to rest, would some day become an empire. Dating back to the ancient times with the Sumerians i.e. ancient Iraq, 4,500 BCE, Greece and Rome. And evolving through the medieval times, the new world and the French Revolution; changing the course of culinary history.

    None of this would have been possible if it were not for the great Entrepreneurs like Charlemagne, (establishing rest houses) and M. Boulanger ” the father of the modern restaurant” and many others; all with one major common denominator, the spirit to serve. As we fast forward to the 21st century, we see a world full opportunities. Breaking language barriers, culture and even red tape as we see it. A 24 hour, 365 days industry that can be stimulating, fun and even adventurous.

  24. Kevin Chen says:

    Chapter 1 Part 1

    Reading the first part of chapter 1 really amazed me. Since I have no experience/knowledge in this field, I have no clue about this. The chapter starts out with the world hospitality which comes from the french term hospice. Then goes to the history of hospitality. I didn’t know hospitality started during the Ancient times with starting up the taverns. It goes through every point of time where hospitality was important during a period. I believe as times goes on, hospitality gets better throughout time due to ideas and technology. Reading this chapter make me better understand what to expect in the hospitality field. Its also helps be better understand the breakdowns and what the nature of hospitality and tourism is.

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