WeBWorK Working Group

active 1 years, 4 months ago
WeBWorK Working Group
This Project is OPEN.
Project Description

This group is for faculty who are participating in the rollout of WeBWorK.

We are working together to:

Create instructional documents for the WeBWorK end-users (both faculty and students),
Develop creative problems for core Math courses,
Evolve existing problems in order to enhance their educational value to students,
Streamline the management of the WeBWorK system,
Provide technical support and respond to user feedback in order to improve everyone’s experience of WeBWorK.


This project was created by: K. Andrew Parker

Recent Posts

How Do I Save Customized Courses?

So, you've customized your WeBWorK problem sets and you want to save them for future use -- but […] See MoreHow Do I Save Customized Courses?

MathQuill Helps Students Write Math

Students often struggle to write mathematically. This is even more difficult for students when it […] See MoreMathQuill Helps Students Write Math

Activating Achievements and Leaderboards

What does the Achievement system in WeBWorK do, exactly? Achievements are a WeBWorK feature […] See MoreActivating Achievements and Leaderboards

Recent Comments

Comment on "Step 2: Adding Students (Classlist Method)"

When uploading from my mac, I had a terrible time with the first CSV format in the "save as" drop […] See MoreComment on "Step 2: Adding Students (Classlist Method)"

Comment on "Step 2: Adding Students (Classlist Method)"

Hi Dr. Parker, the instructions are very helpful and clear. This is the first time that I imported […] See MoreComment on "Step 2: Adding Students (Classlist Method)"

Comment on "FAQ for Instructors"

Thank you for the helpful information. I will try your recommendations. Kind Regards, Carol See MoreComment on "FAQ for Instructors"

Recent Discussions

New Classlist Template File

So, because all of our options for downloading class rosters put students' full names into one cell, it's quite tedious to split first and last names. With the formula contributed by Natan Ovshey, and the now-classic username/password […] See MoreNew Classlist Template File

How to move files in File Manager

Thanks Andrew--that works perfectly. See MoreHow to move files in File Manager

New Q&A Feature Added to the Project Site

If you visit the project site, you should see that there are two new options at the top of the page, on the right hand site. "Got Questions? Ask Here." and "Answered Questions" Because anyone who can read this post has already "joined" […] See MoreNew Q&A Feature Added to the Project Site

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