Victor Lee’s Profile

Active 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Victor Lee
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Victor Lee
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Academic interests

Mathematics, Education

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My Courses

Free Math Tutoring

Free Math Tutoring

Free math tutoring for City Tech students, thanks to the Perkins Grant Funds. This tutoring service is designed to support students in their mathematical studies and is accessible online through Zoom. Our dedicated team of math specialists is here to assist you every step of the way. Key Features of the Math Tutoring Program: Online Tutoring via Zoom: Students can access tutoring sessions from the comfort of their own homes or any location with an internet connection. Math Specialist Support: Our experienced math specialists are available to provide one-on-one support tailored to your needs, helping you grasp challenging concepts and excel in your coursework. Scheduling and Availability: To make the most of your tutoring experience, students can share their questions and inquire about the availability of math specialists. This ensures that you receive assistance at a convenient time for you. OpenLab Integration: To access these features, students must use their CityTech email address for OpenLab, our online learning platform. For students who encounter difficulties attending online sessions or using OpenLab, alternative resources are available: Students can download comprehensive math notes to aid in their studies. Social Media Assistance: Send screenshots of your math problems to tutors on Instagram or Facebook accounts for quick assistance. We are committed to providing the support you need to succeed in your math courses. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enhance your mathematical skills and excel in your academic journey. For more information or to schedule a tutoring session, please contact the City Tech Math Department.

MAT1190 Quantitative Reasoning Fall 2021

MAT1190 Quantitative Reasoning Fall 2021

Students develop and apply mathematical, logical, critical thinking, and statistical skills to solve problems in real-world contexts. They acquire skills in the fields of algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and mathematical modeling. The course incorporates opportunities within the classroom to develop students’ reading, writing, oral, and listening skills in a mathematical context.

MAT1272 Statistics Summer 2023

MAT1272 Statistics Summer 2023

“An introduction to statistical methods and statistical inference. Topics include: descriptive statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and inference, t-tests, chi-square tests and correlation.” SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- MATH & QUANTITATIVE REASONING

MAT1275 Workshop Summer 2022

MAT1275 Workshop Summer 2022

Pre-semester workshop for MAT1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry for Fall 2022. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, ; topics from trigonometry including identities, equations and solutions of triangles. Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in mathematics. High School Math GPA 70 or higher AND complete Algebra 1 OR Algebra 1 Regents score of 75 or higher OR Geometry Regents score of 70 or higher

MAT1275 Workshop Summer 2024

MAT1275 Workshop Summer 2024

Pre-semester workshop for MAT1275 College Algebra and Trigonometry for Fall 2022. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, ; topics from trigonometry including identities, equations and solutions of triangles. Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in mathematics. High School Math GPA 70 or higher AND complete Algebra 1 OR Algebra 1 Regents score of 75 or higher OR Geometry Regents score of 70 or higher

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

Mathematics Department Adjunct Faculty

Mathematics Department Adjunct Faculty

A central resource where the Mathematics Department can communicate internally with adjunct faculty, with meetings, deadlines, announcements and more.

City Tech 101 4-Session Professional Development June 2024

City Tech 101 4-Session Professional Development June 2024

This is a space for faculty members who are preparing to facilitate CT101 to work together.

WeBWorK Working Group

WeBWorK Working Group

This group is for faculty who are participating in the rollout of WeBWorK. We are working together to: Create instructional documents for the WeBWorK end-users (both faculty and students), Develop creative problems for core Math courses, Evolve existing problems in order to enhance their educational value to students, Streamline the management of the WeBWorK system, Provide technical support and respond to user feedback in order to improve everyone’s experience of WeBWorK.

Math Department Instructor Resources

Math Department Instructor Resources

This site contains resources for faculty teaching in the math department. Resources include course outlines and final exam review sheets, as well as support for distance learning in mathematics.

My Clubs

NYC Men Teach

NYC Men Teach

The CUNY NYC Men Teach program provides academic and financial supports to program participants, with the goal of supporting them through the teachers certification and hiring process so they can enter the NYC teaching workforce as effective urban educators. NYC Men Teach at Citytech is a active program that currently supports NYC Men Teach fellows from the two Citytech teacher degree programs–the Mathematics Education and the Career and Technical Teacher Education–as well as other students oriented towards a teaching career. Program fellows receive monthly metro cards, free certification exam vouchers and other financial incentives, as well as access to a dedicated program counselor who offer advisement and other academic supports. NYC Men Teach program fellows also convene for a semester-long seminar focused on culturally-responsive education. Come join us!

CityTech Math Club

CityTech Math Club

Weekly math seminar with presentations accessible to undergraduates.