Zhuopeng Tan

As we all know, in our 20s is the most confusing time in our life, because we have to face the choices of future career. In most families, parents have high expectations for their children’s future careers. They prefer their children to be lawyers, doctors, office workers, etc. I’m glad that my parents didn’t put pressure on me when I made my decision but supported me in everything I did. My goal is to graduate and improve my cooking skill and learn more about hospitality management. Being a chef or serving in a hotel is my career goal. that’s why I finally choose hospitality management as my major. I hope this a right decision for me. Life is experience, simple, I love to eat, and I love to cook for myself and my family. I wish I could see a happy smile on their faces because when people feel happy, I feel happy. I hope I’ve made the right decision and won’t disappoint my parents. keeping a passion for learning hospitality is my strength, the more knowledge I learn, the more opportunities I will have for my future life.

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