Category Archives: 1121 Unit 1-Discourse Community


And so, we draw to a close.  It has been so great working with all of you.  I said it before, and I’ll say it again, but I have been truly impressed with your work this semester.  You really came through, especially during the pandemic, which goes beyond anything I have literally ever seen (of course). I’m excited to see those final assignments and portfolios.

I will eventually be sending you a little survey in which I ask you to do your own (brief, 1-2 paragraph) reflection on the semester.  This will help us plan next semester’s PD, which will be entirely online! I also want to let you guys know that, though the PD is done,  I am here as a resource for you whenever you need me.  I’ll be continuing Zoom office hours next semester (and a couple of times in August) and also will be around for one-on-one meetings if you need help, have some cool assignments to share or just want to talk!

Here are the amended dates:

May 29th: Final student portfolios to be uploaded to Google Drive.  I’ve sent you this link.  If you did not get it, email me and I’ll resend.

  • Please use the folder “’20 Current PD Portfolios.”
  • Please make a folder with your own name in this format: (HallCarrie_20)
  • Within THAT folder, make subfolders for each class you are teaching with course and section number. (HallCarrie_1101_351).
  • In that folder, you will have either a file or a folder, as you see fit, for each of your students.  Make sure these are also titled clearly by the students’ names (Blair_Ruben) so they can easily be accessed.

June 5th: All of your final drafts of assignments for 1101 and 1121 will be uploaded to the Open Lab.  This is a HARD DEADLINE– as in this is honestly the last possible day! The “deliverables” include: Syllabus (front matter only, you don’t need the full schedule), Assignment Sheets for Units 1,2, and 3 and the handout for the final portfolio: this would include info on the reflection and what the final portfolio should include.

I will attach a copy a template for the 1101 syllabus if you’d like to use it (it’s optional). The 1121 syllabus template is under “Readings: 2020 Winter Institute”

For each of your final assignments, I know this is annoying, but… you will have to post them separately under their correct category.  This will help the next PD be able to look up examples of each assignment.  So, please use the following  format:

  • Categories: FINAL and the unit you are uploading, such as: 1101 Unit 1-Lit Narrative
  • Subject line: (YOUR NAME) FINAL 1101 UNIT 1 ASSIGNMENT

Please don’t forget the category “final” OR the word “Final” in the subject line.  Believe me, it matters in the long run!  Also, you can select two assignment categories, in case you have an assignment sheet that includes, say, 1101 Units 2 and 3, as some of us do.  It’s fine to combine those two.  Please don’t combine all of your materials onto one sheet, though!

Download (PDF, 127KB)

Here is an example of my final portfolio assignment sheet– I gave this to you a MILLION YEARS AGO in the winter, before “the troubles”.  I don’t expect you to be a graphics dork like myself. I also think the reflection Christine and I wrote this semester was much (MUCH) better than this one. However, I include this because it shows what I had my students include in their portfolios:

Download (PDF, 3.41MB)

Day One Wind-Down–and DC slide shows

Hey everyone– thanks for such a great first session. I realize this was pretty theory-heavy, but don’t worry, tomorrow we get into the nuts and bolts of the matter, like how to TEACH the stuff!

For tomorrow, please write an assignment sheet– as you would give it to students– for the culminating paper for Unit 1 of 1121. I understand that this is a draft that you’re writing overnight– so it’s gonna be ROUGH, but do your best to clarify what the question is you want your students to answer in their final paper, or what the task is you want them to perform.


We’ll be working on scaffolding and assignment design tomorrow. Robert, Jackie and I will be coming around to groups and helping you (if you want) with homework and in-class activities.

Here are links to the slide shows. Use them if you like!:



In your questionnaires, many of you asked for readings you could give to students. Many of the sample assignments have some. I will say that I find both Swales and Gee a little heady for students, so I usually assign them excerpts from Gee and show them slides like the ones I showed you. A great reading about a particular Discourse Community (The University) is “Inventing the University” by Dave Bartholomae, which you can find HERE.

There are also a number of readings about stages of the writing process posted on this website, both under “Umbrella Readings” and “Unit Readings.”


Our next meeting: Nov 20 (and some stuff about Gee!)

Hi everyone! So here are some links to info about James Paul Gee’s work on Discourse Communities:

“Literacy, Discourse and Linguistics” an article in which he describes primary and secondary discourse communities. I personally find it fairly accessible and really interesting!

HERE is a slideshow that accentuates many of the main points from that same article. Many typos.

HERE is a website that bullet points Gee’s general theory of Discourse communities

For Nov 20, please write a draft of 1121 Unit 2 PLEASE BRING IN THREE COPIES. (the unit description is attached below– I’ve changed it slightly. Changes are highlighted. I will attach more sample assignments shortly. Please remember to keep Unit 3 in mind as you write this unit– that is, you may want to write Unit 2 as research that leads into Unit 3.

Please also read Cheryl Ball’s “Genre and Transfer in a Multimodal Class” (if you can open the file. I’m working on it) at the bottom of this page. So far, it prints in legit gibberish!

Unit 2. Inquiry-Based Research

The purpose of this inquiry-based research is to spark and deepen student curiosity. In this unit, students will further their research skills, using evidence to make an argument or explore a topic, question, or issue. With this in mind, students should begin research with a question or a hypothesis, but should NOT begin with a thesis! Students will be expected to use the library’s resources and will also have the possibility of conducting interviews or other observation based research. Research will require that students use best attribution practices including gathering, and evaluating of multiple sources, both primary and secondary sources. Students will be asked to synthesize a variety of ideas and sources while they pursue their research goals and questions. The scope and focus of research projects can vary, and can emerge from discourse community projects, genre exploration projects, or other topics that students wish to investigate. Students should be given some choice of genre in this assignment– that is: what genre is best to deliver the research they have accumulated to the audience they wish to reach?

Research assignments can be individual projects or group projects.



(Remember that Unit 3 is a multimodal assignment that asks students to repurpose writing they have done earlier in the semester to a digital genre. Unit 3 should have an element of persuasion. The description of this is posted in the previous blog post)

Download (PDF, 312KB)


Weds, November 6

Hi everyone! We’ll be meeting next Wednesday, November 6.  In preparation, please review 1121 (yes 21!) UNIT ONE from the packet I handed out last session and write a draft of an assignment that unit– we’ll be workshopping these. Please print out three copies. *

If you are having problems with the copier, (I know this is an ongoing issue) please email them to me at least an hour before the PD. I have recently been absolutely inundated with emails, so please send this as its own email (not as a reply to something else)  write something in the subject line like PLEASE PRINT in all caps. Don’t worry about offending me with curtness. 

Also, we will be going over commenting strategies. If you have a student paper you’d like help commenting on, please bring in three copies. Please remove the student’s name and all identifying information. I can make copies for you if this is an issue.

We will have some time at the beginning of the session to talk about how teaching Unit Two (of 1101) is going in your current classes. If you are feeling pressed for time with the deadlines we gave you this summer, don’t sweat it–needing an extra day or two is okay; I trust you as professors. But do make sure that you leave yourself enough time for Unit 3 and the portfolio.


Download (PDF, 118KB)

Download (PDF, 193KB)

  (I had to do it in two parts)