hw #8

Before I read article „ Robert Capa: In Love and War” I was confused if  the photo being staged or real. His argumentsconvicted me that this photograph is not staged.In my opinion it was not staged but However , I think Robert Capa knew the decisive moment. . I find the arguments convincing that this photograph is not fake.First of all , The way the character in the picture is seen falling makes sense as if he was getting shot in the back. His pose looks like he got shotThe only problem that makes me a little suspicious is the background in this picture, which look very calm. It doesn’t look like war background From the beginning  the photo of a soldier’s death aroused controversy. This photo shows the heroic, but the tragic death. This photo became the biggest symbol of the local war. it mad Robert Capa very famous photographer
“Falling soldier” is one of the most famous war photographs.

HW #8: Capa’s “Death of a Loyalist Soldier”

Over the years, people have argued that Robert Capa’s “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” is a staged photograph and I can clearly see why they doubted its authenticity. In the shot,  the Spanish soldier appears to be falling back after being hit by a bullet and shot at the moment of death. It is truly amazing how Capa was able to capture that exact moment and this is a reason why it is hard for the viewers to believe that the shot was real and just captured at the right time at the right place. I personally believe Capa didn’t stage the shot. To me, the most effective reason why the photograph is real is the soldier’s position, the way he is falling back and his face expression which portrays real pain. In fact, the photographer put his own life at risk when going to the battle fields to get true photographs and document what was happening during the Spanish war. This is a photojournalism, not fake.

Reminder: HW #8 is due Monday 12/7 and short list for Final

pen-nibPlease remember to submit your posts to the latest homework on Robert Capa’s infamous photo “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” 1936. Also look under the slide lists section (under the ARTH Class Files tab above) for the short list to the final exam. The exam format is the same as the midterm. To refresh your memory, you can look at the format under ARTH Class Files too.

Homework #8 is due by Monday December 7th.

The final exam is on Monday December 21st at 11:30 am.

Homework #8: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

Falling Soldier

Robert Capa, “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” 1936

At the age of 23, Robert Capa took a photograph that many have labeled the greatest war photograph of all time. Taken during the Spanish Civil War, the renown of Capa’s photograph, Falling Soldier or Death of a Loyalist Soldier, reverberated around the world as it was published and republished in contemporary news magazines. However, Capa’s photo has been shadowed by controversy, including accusations of fakery. Read an analysis on the image by Capa’s biographer, Robert Whelan, on the authenticity of the photograph. Do you find his arguments convincing? Do you think Capa’s photograph is staged or not? And do you think its authenticity matters?

Richard Whelan’s discussion of Capa’s photograph

Please post your responses by Monday, December 7th.