homework #6


Breakfast Trini-Style ( fried bakes, sautéd sausages, porridge, fruit)

Breakfast is my favorite meal!! I am always excited to prepare and consume it. Some say it is the most important meal of the day and I could not disagree because it is my most important meal of the day. I was raised in Trinidad and we were taught as children that the word “break” in breakfast meant to break the fast after sleeping at night. Hence the reason we were forced to  drink a hot beverage. Perhaps it was a crime to have a cold drink.I remember hearing ” At this time you are drinking that cold drink, go put something hot on your stomach”.  There is no one that I know, that was raised in the Caribbean and can not relate to my story. However, as I am currently residing  in the U.S I learnt that breakfast is anything you can grab and go to eat on the way. Not only is it convenient for when in a rush, but it also fuels you enough to be energized and not too lazy to work. I personally hate it. I like having a full breakfast with all the nutrients that the body needs, which are proteins, carbohydrates,fat, vitamins and minerals, water and fiber. Unfortunately, I understand on a busy schedule this can be more of a disadvantage. Although I think your breakfast has to complement your lifestyle, on the other hand I do think the American version of breakfast is too sugary. Lucky charms? Cinnamon toast?, I eat those as a snack, I do not believe that can sustain anyone for a period of time. I can go on  and on about this topic but I just have to end with the fact that I dont think there should be a guideline on how one should eat and what should a person eat for breakfast. As long as it provides the essentials needed to complete your daily task and at the same time maintains your health, feel free to be adventurous with your choices.